2C1T Games |
https://2c1tgames.com/ |
info@2c1tgames.com |
İstanbul |
2KeK Games |
https://www.2kekgames.com |
2kekgames@gmail.com |
Balıkesir |
2Medya Game Studio |
http://2medya.com/ |
info@2medya.com |
İstanbul |
2Moons |
https://2moons.gs |
info@2moons.gs |
İstanbul |
3A Stüdyoları |
https://www.3astudyolari.com |
faruk@fibergames.com.tr |
İstanbul |
3K Mobile |
https://3kyazilim.com/ |
info@3kmobileapps.com |
Ankara |
https://x.com/mechanized_gs |
- |
- |
http://dodisoft.com/ |
info@4genit.com |
İstanbul |
407 Games |
https://www.407games.com/ |
info@407games.com |
Muğla |
42H Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/42hgames/ |
- |
Kocaeli |
4us Game |
https://www.4usgames.com |
contact@4usgames.com |
İstanbul |
5Deniz |
https://codist.5deniz.com/ |
- |
Ankara |
6 AM Entertainment |
https://www.6am-entertainment.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
6th Pro |
- |
6thPro@gmail.com |
- |
Abrakadabra Games |
https://abrakadabragames.io |
- |
İstanbul |
Acar Mobile |
https://acarmobile.com/ |
mustafaacaresk@gmail.com |
Eskişehir |
Ace Games |
https://ace.games |
info@ace.games |
İstanbul |
Ada Games Studio |
- |
adagamesproductions@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Adeline Games |
https://adelinegames.notion.site |
samet@adelinegames.com |
Ankara |
Adem Oktay |
- |
- |
- |
Aden Games |
https://www.adengames.com |
info@adengames.com |
İstanbul |
Adisebaba Animasyon Film Yapım ve Pazarlama A.Ş. |
https://www.adisebaba.com/ |
info@adisebaba.com |
İstanbul |
Aeon Games |
https://www.aeon.gs |
aeon.gamestudio@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Aeterna Ludi |
https://aeternaludi.com/ |
info@aeternaludi.com |
İstanbul |
Agave Games |
https://www.agavegames.com |
support@agave.games |
İstanbul |
Ahlat Studio |
https://ahlatstudio.com |
info@ahlatstudio.com |
Aydın |
ahmet Baydas |
- |
- |
- |
Ahmet Behram |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmet-behram-819756194/ |
- |
- |
Ahmet Bugra Cetinel |
https://bugracetinel.com/ |
ahmetcetinel1992@gmail.com |
Ankara |
AIx2 Games |
https://www.beachinvasion.net/ |
business@aix2games.net |
Ankara |
Akkuzu Games |
https://akkuzu.com.tr/ |
- |
- |
Alacrity Studios |
https://linktr.ee/alacritystudios |
- |
İstanbul |
Alfish Games |
http://www.alfgames.com/ |
studio@alfgames.com |
İstanbul |
Alfu Code |
https://www.alfucode.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Ali Can Arite |
https://canarite.github.io/ |
gemsbokk@gmail.com |
- |
Alice Games |
https://www.alicegames.net |
- |
İstanbul |
Alictus |
http://alictus.com |
hello@alictus.com |
Ankara |
https://www.harfle.com/ |
- |
- |
Alkame Games |
http://www.alkamegames.com |
hialkame@alkamegames |
İstanbul |
AlkameGames |
http://www.alkamegames.com/ |
hialkame@alkamegames.com |
Ankara |
Alko Soft |
http://alkoyazilim.com |
info@alkoyazilim.com |
Sakarya |
Allocate Games |
https://prelogos.com/game |
info@prelogos.com |
İstanbul |
https://alperakman.com/ |
founder@alperakman.com |
- |
Alper Games |
www.alpergames.com |
info@alpergames.com |
İstanbul |
Alper Gonen |
- |
alper.gonen@hotmail.com |
Eskişehir |
alper iskender |
https://alperiskender.com/ |
- |
- |
https://game.alpersarikaya.com/ |
game.alpersarikaya@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Alsa Games |
http://www.alsa.games/ |
contact@alsa.games |
İstanbul |
https://www.facebook.com/ercument |
agadroid@gmail.com |
Manisa |
Alyaka |
https://alyakastudio.com/ |
https://alyakastudio.com/support/ |
- |
Analiz Games |
https://www.analizgames.com/ |
- |
Eskişehir |
https://ancama.net/ |
app@ancama.net |
Bolu |
Ancient Peacock Studio |
https://ancientpeacock.studio |
general@ancientpeacock.studio |
İstanbul |
ANDGames Ltd |
https://www.andgames.com.tr/ |
info@andgames.com.tr |
Ankara |
Androbros |
- |
berkaypamir@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Anemo Games |
https://anemogames.com |
info@anemogames.com |
İstanbul |
Anibera |
https://www.anibera.com |
info@anibera.com |
İstanbul |
Anisage Games |
https://anisage.com/ |
aerotalesonline@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Anisoft Games |
https://www.anisoftgames.com/ |
contact@anisoftgames.com |
İzmir |
Anka Games |
https://www.ankastudios.com/ |
info@ankastudios.com |
İstanbul |
Anka Studios |
https://www.ankastudios.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Anloft |
https://anloftapps.com/ |
info@anloftapps.com |
Ankara |
Any Games |
https://www.anygames.io |
info@anygames.io |
İstanbul |
Appgamedo |
https://www.appgamedo.com |
info@appgamedo.com |
İzmir |
Apphic Games |
https://apphicgames.com |
info@apphicgames.com |
İstanbul |
Appplanets |
https://appplanets.com |
support@appplanets.com |
İstanbul |
https://apps.com.tr |
info@apps.com.tr |
Ankara |
Apptoxin - Ali ÖZEL |
https://ozelali.com/#Anasayfa |
ali.ozel.m@gmail.com |
Ankara |
ArcadeMonk |
http://arcademonk.com |
career@arcademonk.com |
İstanbul |
Archmage |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/archmage/ |
- |
Ankara |
Arkhe Games |
https://arkhegames.com/ |
contact@arkhegames.com |
Kütahya |
Arkhetech |
https://www.arkhe.tech |
info@arkhe.tech |
Aydın |
Arrow Game Studio |
- |
- |
- |
Arsh Games Studio |
https://www.arshgames.com/ |
info@narkom.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Artha Game Studios |
https://artha.dev/ |
info@artha.dev |
İstanbul |
ArtNeronDevelopment |
- |
- |
- |
ArtSoft |
- |
artsoft.mobilegames@gmail.com |
Aydın |
Artuex |
https://www.artuexgames.com/ |
- |
Eskişehir |
Arvis Games |
https://arvisgames.com |
info@arvisgames.com |
İstanbul |
Aryas Games |
https://www.aryasgames.com |
https://www.aryasgames.com/contact |
İstanbul |
Asey Games |
https://aseygames.com |
info@aseygames.com |
İstanbul |
Ashina Studios |
https://enesborekci.com.tr/ashina |
support@ashinastudios.com |
İstanbul |
Aslan Game Studio |
https://aslangamestudio.com |
ahmet@aslangamestudio.com |
Ankara |
Asteri Game Studio |
https://www.asteri.gs |
contact@asteri.gs |
İstanbul |
astroskymaster |
- |
astroskymaster@gmail.com |
Ankara |
at0m |
www.youtube.com/@at0mdev |
ata.palacioglu@gmail.com |
- |
Ataman Engin Yildiz |
https://magic-8-ball-2.flycricket.io/ |
- |
- |
Ates Games |
https://atesgames.com/ |
info@atesgames.com |
Antalya |
Atom Games |
https://www.atom.gs |
info@atomgames.net |
İstanbul |
Atreus |
https://atreus.com.tr |
info@atreus.com.tr |
Ankara |
Avaxtars |
https://avaxtars.com |
info@avaxtars.com |
İstanbul |
Awkay Technologies |
https://awkaytech.io |
admin@awkaytech.io |
İstanbul |
Axell Studio |
https://axellstudio.com |
hello@axellstudio.com |
İstanbul |
Ayhan Dorman |
https://about.me/ayhandorman |
- |
İstanbul |
Aylak Games |
https://aylak.com/ |
contact@aylak.com |
İstanbul |
AYN Games |
https://ayngames.com |
haytbea@gmail.com |
Samsun |
Azman Games |
http://www.azmangames.com |
- |
Ankara |
Babil Studios |
https://www.babilstudios.com |
info@babilstudios.com |
İstanbul |
https://www.backpack.games |
jobs@backpack.games |
Ankara |
BadLab Games |
https://www.badlabgames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Bakodun Game Studios |
https://www.bakodungamestudios.com/ |
what@bakodungamestudios.com |
Ordu |
Balas Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/balas-games/ |
- |
İstanbul |
BalinsWeb Games |
https://www.balinsweb.net/ |
balinsweb@hotmail.com |
Hatay |
Bamya Games |
- |
- |
- |
Banana Jellybean Studios |
https://x.com/BananaJStudios |
- |
Hatay |
Banba Games |
https://banba.games |
info@banba.games |
İstanbul |
Barış Kaplan |
https://instagram.com/bariskaplangames/ |
- |
- |
batpad |
https://www.batpad.co |
- |
Denizli |
Battle Ball |
https://www.battleball.xyz |
- |
İstanbul |
Batuhan Bayar |
http://appsoft.co/home |
- |
- |
http://baygamer.com |
business@baygamer.com |
Kayseri |
BC Studios |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/bc-games/ |
- |
İstanbul |
BDSoft |
- |
dev.bugradogan@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Bear Games |
- |
- |
Ankara |
Bearbite Studios |
https://bearbite.studio |
- |
İstanbul |
https://www.kafdijitalbilisim.com/ |
info@kafdijitalbilisim.com |
Ankara |
Beisoft Games |
https://beisoftgames.blogspot.com/ |
beisoftstudio@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Beluga Games |
https://beluga.gs |
- |
İstanbul |
Bermuda Games |
https://bermuda.gs |
info@bermuda.gs |
Ankara |
Bertan Kodamanoglu |
https://lucidberry.com/ |
lucidberrygames@gmail.com |
- |
Berzah Games |
https://berzahgames.com |
info@berzahgames.com |
Ankara |
Beyazay |
https://www.beyazay.com.tr/ |
beyazayads@gmail.com |
Balıkesir |
Beyond Games Studios |
https://www.beyondgames.com.tr/ |
info@beyondgames.com.tr |
İstanbul |
BFK Games |
https://bfkgames.com/ |
contact@bfkgames.com |
İstanbul |
BGNmobi |
https://bgn.mobi/ |
support@bgn.mobi |
Bursa |
Big Mobile Games |
https://www.bigmobilegames.com/ |
contact@bigmobilegames.com |
İstanbul |
bigApps |
- |
gokselpirnal@gmail.com |
Çanakkale |
Bigger Games |
https://biggergames.com |
info@biggergames.com |
İstanbul |
BigPogo Games |
https://www.gamesunited.co/ |
hello@gamesunited.co |
İstanbul |
Bilal Emre Gürkan |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/bilal-emre-gürkan-a5218413b/ |
- |
İzmir |
Bilgenç |
https://www.bilgenc.com/ |
iletisim@bilgenc.com |
- |
Biligoba |
http://www.biligoba.com |
info@biligoba.com |
Ankara |
Bilkon |
https://bilkontechnology.blogspot.com/ |
bilkontech@gmail.com |
Ordu |
BizSim |
https://bizsim.com |
info@bizsim.com |
Muğla |
Black Flag Studios |
https://blackflagstudio.co |
https://blackflagstudio.co/contact-us |
Ankara |
Black Games |
http://blackgames.co/ |
blackgames.social@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Black Giant |
https://www.blackgiantgames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Blackburne Games |
https://www.blackburnegames.com |
gunes@blbrn.com |
İstanbul |
BlackCat Studios |
https://www.blackcatstudios.co/ |
info@blackcatstudios.co |
İzmir |
Blay Games |
https://www.blaygames.com |
info@blaygames.com |
İstanbul |
Blended Games |
https://blendedgames.com/ |
ilke@blendedgames.com |
İstanbul |
Block Games |
https://www.blokgames.co/ |
https://www.blokgames.co/contact-us/ |
İstanbul |
BlockGate |
https://block-gate.com |
- |
İstanbul |
BLU Games |
https://blugamesofficial.blogspot.com/ |
teltiksuna@gmail.com |
- |
Bluespy Studios |
https://bluespystudios.com/ |
bluespystudios@gmail.com |
- |
Boa Games |
https://boa.games |
info@boa.games |
İstanbul |
Bob Games |
http://www.thebobgames.com |
info@thebobgames.com |
İstanbul |
Bogazici Apps |
http://bogaziciapps.com/ |
bogaziciapps@gmail.com |
- |
Bolga Games |
https://bolgagames.com/ |
info@bolgagames.com |
İstanbul |
Booda Games |
https://boodagames.com/ |
info@boodagames.com |
Muğla |
Boolmaca |
https://boolmaca.com/ |
boolmaca@gmail.com |
İzmir |
Boom Codes Games |
https://www.boomcodes.com |
info@boomcodes.com |
Samsun |
Boom Games |
https://boomgamestudio.com/ |
hello@boomgamestudio.com |
İstanbul |
BoomHits |
https://boomhits.com/ |
support@boomhits.com |
İstanbul |
Boopy |
https://www.boopygames.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Bored Button |
http://www.gabblestudios.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Born2Play Games |
https://born2playgames.com |
info@born2playgames.com |
Antalya |
Bosphorus Digital |
https://bosphorusdigital.com.tr/ |
destek@bosphorusdigital.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Bretzel Games |
https://www.bretzelgames.com/ |
contact@bretzelgames.com |
İstanbul |
http://www.brew-games.com |
info@brew-games.com |
İstanbul |
Bro3 Games |
https://bro3.com |
info@bro3.com |
İzmir |
BroMo |
- |
65tdural@gmail.com |
Van |
Bucked Games |
https://buckedgames.com |
contact@buckedgames.com |
İstanbul |
Budgie Games |
https://budgiegames.com |
hello@budgiegames.com |
İstanbul |
BugFix Games |
https://www.bugfix.games |
info@bugfix.games |
Ankara |
Bugrahan Bayraktaroglu |
- |
- |
- |
Bugrahan Demir |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/bugrahan-demir/ |
- |
Ankara |
Bugy Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/bugy-games/ |
- |
Ankara |
Buket Zehir |
https://acayipoyunlar.com/ |
- |
- |
Bull Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/bullgames/ |
- |
- |
Bunbo games |
http://www.bunbogames.net |
- |
İstanbul |
Burak Bekec |
- |
bbekec@hotmail.com |
Ankara |
Burak Dabak |
https://www.dbkgames.com/about |
- |
- |
Burak Ozguney |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/burak-güney-8767251ab |
- |
Ankara |
Burak Pişkin |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/burakreinh/ |
- |
Hatay |
Burak Sendag |
https://buraksendag.com/ |
buraksendag@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Burger Games |
https://www.burgergames.net |
- |
İstanbul |
Burkan Bogaz |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/burkan/ |
- |
İzmir |
Button Interactive |
https://buttoninteractive.com/ |
info@buttoninteractive.com |
İstanbul |
Bvt Bilişim Teknoloji Ltd. Şti. |
https://www.bvtbilisim.com/ |
info@bvtbilisim.com |
Kocaeli |
Bycodec Games |
https://www.bycodecgames.com/ |
contact@bycodecgames.com |
İstanbul |
Byerdelen |
- |
- |
- |
Byte Teknoloji |
https://www.bytelab.com.tr/ |
biz@bytelab.com.tr |
İzmir |
Byterise |
https://byterise.co |
- |
İstanbul |
Bytetyper |
https://bytetyper.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Can Hulagu |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/can-hülagü-0471b0154 |
- |
İstanbul |
https://www.canpacacioglu.com/apps/ |
canpacacioglu@gmail.com |
- |
Candy Gaming |
https://www.candygaming.xyz/ |
- |
- |
Cardak Studio |
https://cardakstudio.com |
info@cardakstudio.com |
Samsun |
Castaway Studios |
https://castaway.studio |
info@castaway.studio |
İstanbul |
Casual Monster |
http://www.casualmonster.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Cata Game Studios |
https://www.catagamestudios.com/ |
catagamestudios@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Catchy Games |
https://catchy.games/ |
info@catchy.games |
Ankara |
Catoptric Games |
https://www.catoptricgames.com/ |
https://www.catoptricgames.com/ |
İzmir |
Catpath Studios |
https://www.cataeon.com/ |
hello@cataeon.com |
İzmir |
Cattus |
https://cattusapps.com/ |
edertsiz1@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Cavalry |
- |
- |
- |
CaveLight LLC |
- |
- |
- |
Caw Apps |
https://cawapps.com/ |
cawapps@cawapps.com |
- |
Caz Game Studio |
https://www.cazgamestudio.com/ |
cazgamestudio@gmail.com |
- |
Celtwood Games |
https://celtwoodgames.com.tr/ |
info@celtwoodgames.com.tr |
Ankara |
Cem Boray Yıldırım |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/cem-boray-yıldırım |
- |
Bursa |
Cem Games |
https://cemgames.com/ |
info@cemgames.com |
İstanbul |
Cemil Buğra Uzunkaya |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/cemilbey/ |
- |
Ankara |
Certain Games |
https://www.certaingames.com/ |
certaingame@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Cetin Caglar |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/çetin-çağlar-81678b53 |
- |
Ankara |
Cevahir App |
https://www.cevahirsoft.com/ |
info@cevahirsoft.com |
İstanbul |
Champy Games |
https://champygames.com |
info@champygames.com |
Ankara |
Charmy Inc. |
https://charmy.app/ |
- |
Ankara |
Cheesecake Dev |
https://cheesecakedev.com/ |
- |
- |
Chef Game Studio |
https://www.chef.gs/ |
info@chef.gs |
Ankara |
Chipmunk Games |
https://chipmunk.games/ |
k.furkancaybasi@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Ciconia Games |
http://www.ciconiagames.com/ |
info@ciconiagames.com |
İstanbul |
Cihangir Korkmaz |
https://www.boyoz.com/ |
- |
- |
Ciklet Games |
https://www.cikletgames.com/ |
cikletgames@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
ckgames |
https://fastfreegames.net/ |
- |
- |
Clap Games |
https://clapgames.app/ |
info@clapgames.app |
Ankara |
Clashub |
https://clashub.io |
- |
Eskişehir |
Clay Token Game Studio |
http://www.claytoken.net/ |
? |
Washington - Türk |
Click Game Studio |
https://clickgamestudio.com/ |
- |
Bursa |
Clock Wizard Games |
https://www.clockwizardgames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
CO's Entertainment |
https://www.cosentertainment.org/ |
cosindiestudios@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
COATI Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/coati-game/ |
- |
Manisa |
COB Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/cub-game-studio/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Coconut Games |
https://www.coconutgames.com |
contact@coconutgame.com |
İstanbul |
Codeway Games |
https://www.codewaygames.co |
- |
İstanbul |
Codeway Studios |
https://www.codeway.co/ |
hello@codeway.co |
İstanbul |
Coffee++ games |
- |
- |
- |
Compactive |
https://compactive.tech |
info@compactive.tech |
İstanbul |
Connectinno |
http://www.connectinno.com |
info@connectinno.com |
İstanbul |
Consala Games |
https://consala.com/ |
info@consala.com |
- |
https://contragames.net/ |
info@contragames.net |
İstanbul |
Core Engage |
https://coreengage.com |
info@coreengage.com |
İstanbul |
CORE Studios |
https://www.core-attacks.com |
attack@core-attacks.com |
İstanbul |
Coreup Apps |
http://www.coreupapps.com/ |
coreupapps@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Cosmo4 Bilim Sanat Teknoloji |
http://www.cosmo4.com.tr/ |
- |
Çanakkale |
Cosmos Games Studio |
https://cosmosgamesstudio.com |
cosmosgamesmain@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Craft Games |
https://craftgamesanonim.github.io |
- |
Ankara |
Crania Games |
https://www.craniagames.com |
info@craniagames.com |
İstanbul |
Cratoonz |
https://www.cratoonz.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Crealode Games |
http://www.crealodegames.com |
contact@crealodegames.com |
İstanbul |
Creamative |
http://klikgames.net |
- |
İstanbul |
Creasaur Entertainment |
www.creasaur.net |
info@creasaur.net |
Ankara |
Creedon Games |
https://creedongames.com/ |
http://creedongames.com/contact/ |
Burdur |
Crenna |
https://www.crenno.com/ |
info@crenno.com |
İstanbul |
Crescive Games |
https://crescivegames.com |
hello@crescivegames.com |
İstanbul |
Cressus Games |
https://cressusgames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Crew Game Studio |
http://www.crewgamestudio.com/ |
info@crewgamestudio.com |
İstanbul |
CrossBone |
https://www.wearecrossbone.com/ |
https://www.wearecrossbone.com/about |
İstanbul |
Crow Studios |
https://crowstudios.co/ |
onur@crowstudios.co |
Ankara |
Crying Cupcake Games |
https://cryingcupcakegames.blogspot.com/ |
- |
- |
Crystal Shark Games |
https://crystalsharkgames.com |
info@crystalsharkgames.com |
İstanbul |
CTA İnternet A.Ş. |
https://www.xebas.app/ |
info@xebas.app |
İstanbul |
Cube Games |
https://cubegame.studio/ |
- |
İstanbul |
CubeCube Sports |
https://www.cubecubesports.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Cubico Studios |
https://cubicostudios.com/ |
turhan.civanmert@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Cultic Games |
http://cultic.games |
culticgames@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Curve Animation |
https://www.curve.com.tr |
info@curve.com.tr |
Ankara |
Cypher Games |
https://www.cyphergames.co |
info@cyphergames.com |
İstanbul |
Dabdaa Games |
https://dabdaa.com/ |
- |
- |
DaBomb Games |
https://dabomb.games |
info@dabomb.games |
İstanbul |
Dalak Games |
http://dalakgames.com |
egemen@dalakgames.com |
Ankara |
Dark Face Horror Games |
https://darkfacestudios.com/ |
info@darkfacestudios.com |
Antalya |
Dark Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/dark-games/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Dark Word Games |
http://playingfest.com/wordland.html |
oguz.ak@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
DarkPhobia Games |
https://x.com/darkphobiagames |
- |
- |
Darling Games |
- |
iletisim@ramazanakbuz.com |
İstanbul |
Dayseven Games |
https://dayseven.games |
- |
İstanbul |
DBK Games |
https://www.dbkgames.com/ |
- |
İzmir |
DC+ Games |
https://www.dcplusgames.com |
social@dcplusgames.com |
Muğla |
DeepakGame |
https://deepakgame.com |
- |
Hatay |
Deeplay |
http://www.deeplaystudio.com |
deeplaystudio@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Defity[3] |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/defity-3/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Deguci Games |
https://www.degucigames.com/ |
info@degucigames.com |
Muğla |
Demonsoft Games |
https://www.demonsoftgames.com/ |
https://www.demonsoftgames.com/en/hakkimizda |
Antalya |
Deneb Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/denebgames/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Developer HUKO |
https://www.huseyinkoca.com.tr/ |
developer.huko@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Devon Games |
- |
devongamestudios@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Devzombios |
https://www.devzombios.com |
info@devzombios.com |
İstanbul |
dgnApp |
- |
doganresit33@gmail.com |
Diyarbakır |
Digital Dash |
https://x.com/digitaldashgame |
digitaldashgames@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Digital Fossil, Eyexapp |
https://www.thefirstdate.net/ |
ilkbulusmafilm@gmail.com |
- |
Digitoy Games |
https://digitoy.games/ |
support@digitoygames.com |
İzmir |
Dimitek |
https://dimitek.net |
info@dimitek.net |
Ankara |
Divinus Games |
https://divinusgames.com/ |
contact@divinusgames.com |
İstanbul |
Dixy Games |
https://dixygames.com |
- |
Gaziantep |
DKPEAK Bilişim İnternet Tekno ve Dan. Hiz Ltd Şti |
https://dkpeak.com/ |
info@dkpeak.com |
İstanbul |
Dlite Games |
https://dlite.app/ |
info@dlite.app |
İstanbul |
Dodisoft |
http://dodisoft.com/ |
info@4genit.com |
İstanbul |
DoDo Game |
https://dodogame.co/ |
info@dodogame.co |
İstanbul |
Dogan Can Batman |
http://dcanbatman.com/ |
dcanbatman@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Dogukan Kurekci |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/doğukan-kürekci |
dogu.kurekci@gmail.com |
- |
Dome Metamars |
http://www.domemetamars.com |
- |
İstanbul |
https://dorular.github.io/ |
dorular@email.com |
Manisa |
DotFour Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/dotfourgames/ |
dotfourgames@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Dragon Landing |
https://x.com/dragonlanding1 |
- |
- |
Dragon's Games |
https://mobileoyunlaroyna.blogspot.com/ |
seyfullahejderha0@gmail.com |
Kahramanmaraş |
DragonFlower Games |
https://www.dragonflowergames.com |
dragonflower.games@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Dragut Software |
https://dragutsoftware.com |
info@dragutsoftware.com |
İzmir |
Dream Games |
https://dreamgames.com |
info@dreamgames.com |
İstanbul |
Dream Harvesters |
https://www.dreamharvesters.com |
contact@dreamharvesters.com |
Antalya |
Dream Oriented |
https://dreamoriented.org/ |
info@dreamoriented.org |
Ankara |
Dream Team |
https://www.dreamteamfg.com |
- |
İstanbul |
drokid |
https://drokid.blogspot.com/ |
contact@drokid.com |
Ankara |
Dropout Code |
https://dropoutcode.com |
contact@dropoutcode.com |
İstanbul |
Drunk Game Studio |
https://www.drunkgamestudio.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Duello Games |
https://www.duello.com |
info@duello.com |
İstanbul |
Dumbbell Games |
http://dumbbellgames.com |
hello@dumbbellgames.com |
Mersin |
Düşyeri |
https://www.dusyeri.com/ |
info@dusyeri.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Duuby Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/duuby-games/ |
- |
İstanbul |
E2D2Works |
https://e2d2works.com/ |
support@e2d2works.com |
İstanbul |
EarSlap |
https://earslap.com/ |
batuhan@earslap.com |
İstanbul |
Easy Clap Games |
http://www.easyclapgames.com |
info@easyclapgames.com |
Ankara |
EBAL Studios |
https://www.ebalstudios.com/ |
info@ebalstudios.com |
- |
Ebubekir Yanik |
- |
- |
- |
Edvar Studio |
https://edvarstudio.com/ |
- |
Ankara |
EfeGameStudio |
https://www.instagram.com/efegamestudio/ |
- |
- |
Eflatun Yazılım |
https://eflatunyazilim.com |
info@eflatunyazilim.com |
İstanbul |
https://www.efnsoft.com |
info@efnsoft.com |
İstanbul |
Efsun Games |
https://efsungames.com |
info@efsungames.com |
İstanbul |
EG Games |
https://x.com/EvilGooseGames |
- |
- |
Ehlibyte Games |
http://ehlibyte.com |
- |
Kocaeli |
https://www.eksikparca.com/ |
info@eksikparca.com |
İstanbul |
El Capitan Games |
https://elcapitan.games |
contact@elcapitan.games |
Konya |
Ela Game Studio |
http://www.elagamestudio.com |
info@elagamestudio.com |
İzmir |
Electra Games |
https://www.electra.gs |
info@electra.gs |
İstanbul |
Elite Game Development |
https://www.ingamegroup.com/ |
contact@ingamegroup.com |
İstanbul |
Elos Games & Arts |
https://www.elosgames.net/ |
info@elosgames.net |
- |
https://elyz.io/coming-soon/ |
contact@elyz.io |
- |
Emir Suleiman |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/emir-suleiman-5b0095224/ |
emirozkok433@gmail.com |
Bursa |
Emılco |
https://nesedijital.com/ |
soccercity.sup@gmail.com |
- |
Emor Games Studio |
https://emorgames.blogspot.com/ |
- |
- |
Emozo Game Studio |
https://emozo.com.tr/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Emrah Kavak |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/emrkavak/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Emre Erkol |
- |
emre.erkol1971@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Emrullah Can Demirpolat |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/emrullah-can-demirpolat/ |
- |
Ankara |
https://enberisoftware.com/ |
support@enberisoftware.com |
Antalya |
Enderun Studios |
https://www.enderunstudios.com/ |
info@enderunstudios.com |
İstanbul |
Endless Dot Games |
https://endlessdot.net |
- |
Eskişehir |
Enes Gl |
https://www.enfesgames.com/ |
enfesajans@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Engin Bora Calikusu |
- |
- |
- |
enny Games |
https://ennygames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
eno6 |
http://www.eno6.com/ |
info@eno6.com |
İstanbul |
Enrich Games |
https://www.enrichgames.com |
hi@enrichgames.com |
İstanbul |
Equal Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/equal-games/ |
- |
Ankara |
Eray Aslan |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/erayaslan/ |
- |
- |
Eray Avci |
- |
08segant08@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Eray Dinc |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/eraydinc/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Ercument ESER |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mithat-ercüment-eser-97ab328 |
- |
- |
Erik Games |
https://www.erikgames.com |
info@erikgames.com |
Antalya |
Erman Onay |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/erman-onay-7507b9219/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Error Thing |
https://errorthing.myportfolio.com/ |
errorthing17.52@gmail.com |
Ankara |
eser kalac |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/eser-kalac-373720137/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Eskimo Games |
http://www.eskimotech.org/ |
- |
Ankara |
Espale Studios |
https://www.espalestudios.com/ |
contact@espalestudios.com |
İstanbul |
ESR Games |
- |
- |
İzmir |
Eudemonia Games |
https://eudemoniagames.com |
contact@eudemoniagames.com |
İstanbul |
Evangel Interactive |
https://evangelinteractive.com |
info@evangelinteractive.com |
İstanbul |
EverSince Games |
https://eversincegames.com |
info@eversincegames.com |
İstanbul |
Evil Goose Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/evil-goose-games/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Evo Games |
https://www.evogames.io |
store@evogames.io |
Manisa |
EVV Game |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/evvgame |
- |
İstanbul |
Extreme Soft |
https://www.extremesoft.co |
contact@extremesoft.co |
Trabzon |
EY Games |
https://eygamecompany.blogspot.com/ |
ey.gamecompany@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
eyexapp |
https://www.eyexapp.com/ |
hello@eyexapp.com |
İstanbul |
EYPONR GAMES eyup oner |
https://www.eyponr.com.tr/ |
- |
Van |
Fabrika Games |
http://fabrikagames.com |
contact@fabrikagames.com |
İstanbul |
Fantazzie |
https://fantazzie.com |
info@fantazzie.com |
İstanbul |
Fate Games |
https://www.fategs.com |
- |
İzmir |
Fatih Beceren |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/fatih-beceren-9a3503285/ |
- |
İstanbul |
fatihbayram |
- |
fatihhbayram61@gmail.com |
Trabzon |
FBE Games |
https://fbegames.com/ |
supercengel@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
FE Games |
http://www.fegames.co |
info@fegames.co |
İstanbul |
Fea Arcade Gaming |
- |
royalarcadegaming@gmail.com |
- |
Fegac Studio |
https://fegacstudio.com/ |
info@fagacstudio.com |
Muş |
FEP Games |
- |
draculafep@gmail.com |
Çorum |
Ferhan Demez |
http://www.ferhandemez.com/ |
ferhandemez@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Festival Game |
- |
- |
Bursa |
FF Digital |
https://x.com/filmvefilimler |
filmlervefilimler@gmail.com |
- |
Fiber Games |
https://www.fibergames.com.tr |
info@fibergames.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Fika Game Studio |
https://www.fikagamestudio.com.tr/ |
ykanal1453@gmail.com |
Adana |
https://firestudios.io |
info@firestudios.io |
Ankara |
Flaky Games |
https://flakygames.com/ |
flakygamesofficial@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Flamingo Game Studio |
https://flamingo.gs/ |
info@flamingo.gs |
İstanbul |
Flat Games |
http://www.flatgames.co |
info@flatgames.co |
Ankara |
FlatMind Games |
https://www.flatmindgames.com |
- |
Ankara |
Fluffy Games |
https://thefluffygames.com/ |
fluffygamestr@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Flush Games |
https://www.instagram.com/flushgamesco |
- |
Ankara |
Flybit |
https://flybityazilim.com/ |
info@flybityazilim.com |
Muğla |
Flyflogames |
https://flyflogames.com |
contact@flyflogames.com |
İstanbul |
FMC Game Studio |
http://www.fmcgamestudio.com/ |
info@fmcgamestudio.com |
Ankara |
Fomo Games |
https://fomo.gs |
hello@fomo.gs |
İstanbul |
Footlyne |
https://footlyne.com |
footlyne@reddlyne.com |
Ankara |
Forge Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/forge-games/ |
info@forgegames.co |
İstanbul |
Fork Games |
https://www.forkgames.com/ |
contact@forkgames.com |
Antalya |
Fortune Mine Games |
https://www.fortunemine.com |
contact@fortunemine.com |
İstanbul |
Foxpider Games |
https://www.foxpidergames.com/ |
info@foxpidergames |
Antalya |
Fraktal Games |
https://fraktalgames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Frantic Games |
https://www.franticgames.net |
info@franticgames.net |
Ankara |
From0 |
http://www.youtube.com/@from0276 |
- |
- |
Frostline Games |
https://frostline.games |
info@frostlinegames.com |
İstanbul |
Frozen Pawn |
https://www.frozenpawn.com |
info@frozenpawn.com |
İstanbul |
FST Software & Technology |
https://www.fstyazilim.com |
fstyazilim@gmail.com |
Niğde |
http://www.ftkgstudio.com/ |
eceyukselenbayram@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Fubu Games |
http://fubugames.com |
tahatepedelen@fubugames.com |
İstanbul |
Fugo Games |
www.fugo.com.tr |
info@fugo.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Fun Arcade Games |
- |
zippro@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
FunDream Games |
https://www.fundreamgames.com/ |
contact@fundream.games |
İstanbul |
Funika Bilişim |
https://funikabilisim.com |
funikagame@gmail.com |
Denizli |
Funiza Games |
http://www.funiza.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Funjitsu Games |
https://www.funjitsugames.com |
support@funjitsugames.com |
İzmir |
Funly |
https://funlygames.com |
info@funlygames.com |
İstanbul |
Funmoth Games |
http://www.funmoth.com |
info@funmoth.com |
İstanbul |
Funrika |
https://www.funrika.com |
info@funrika.com |
İstanbul |
Funverse Games |
https://www.funversegames.com |
hr@funversegames.com |
İstanbul |
Furkan Celik |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/celikfuurkan/ |
celikfuurkan@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Furkan Kursav |
https://www.furkankursav.com/ |
furkankursav56@gmail.com |
Gaziantep |
Furkan Sevgili |
https://www.furkansevgili.com/ |
fsevgili@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Furkan's Games |
https://furkankemikli.com/ |
- |
- |
Furtle Game |
http://furtlegame.com |
http://furtlegame.com/ |
İzmir |
https://fusee.com/ |
info@fusee.com |
İstanbul |
Fuzyon Games |
https://fuzyongames.com/ |
support@fuzyongames.com |
İstanbul |
Fuzzy Mobile Games |
http://www.fuzzymobilegames.com |
support@fuzzymobilegames.com |
Bursa |
FYK Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş. |
https://fykmobile.com/ |
info@fykmobile.com |
İzmir |
G Play Studio |
https://www.gplaystudio.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Gabble Studios |
http://www.gabblestudios.com/ |
info@gabblestudios.com |
İstanbul |
Gacrux Game Studio |
https://gacruxgamestudio.blogspot.com/ |
infogacrux@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Galavalomka |
http://www.galavalomka.com/ |
- |
Ankara |
Galip Kartoğlu |
http://stun-games.com/ |
info@stun-games.com |
İstanbul |
Gambol Games |
https://www.gambolgames.com |
https://www.gambolgames.com/contact |
İstanbul |
Gambu Lab |
https://gambulab.com |
info@gambu.com.tr |
Çanakkale |
Game Dev Garage |
https://gamedevgarage.com/ |
- |
Ankara |
Game Facto |
https://gamefacto.com |
info@gamefacto.com |
İstanbul |
GamE HunteR |
https://impossiblestory2d.blogspot.com/ |
emirhanesad003@gmail.com |
Afyon |
Game Link |
https://www.ozgurates.com/ |
jiyansoftware@gmail.com |
Diyarbakır |
Game Of Sirius |
https://www.gameofsirius.com/ |
info@gameofsirius.com |
İstanbul |
Game Theory Games |
https://www.gametheorygames.net/ |
info@gametheory.games |
İstanbul |
Game Time Start |
https://gametimemobile.blogspot.com/ |
medmuhammet@gmail.com |
Şanlıurfa |
Game Vesper |
- |
cerencakmak.gd@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
GameBegins |
https://www.gamebegins.com/ |
info@gamebegins.com |
- |
Gamebit Studio |
http://studiogamebit.com |
contact@studiogamebit.com |
İstanbul |
Gamebra in |
https://gamebra.in |
info@gamebra.in |
Ankara |
GameCodeX |
https://gamecodexstudio.com |
info@gamecodexstudio.com |
Ankara |
Gamedeus |
https://gamedeus.com/games/ |
info@gamedeus.com |
İstanbul |
Gamedev.ist |
https://gamedev.ist/ |
info@gamedev.ist |
İstanbul |
Gameflex |
https://gameflex.team |
info@gameflex.team |
İstanbul |
Gamegami |
https://www.gamegami.com |
info@gamegami.com |
İzmir |
GameGarden |
http://gamegarden.net |
- |
İstanbul |
gamegine |
http://gameginegames.com |
info@gamegine.games |
Ankara |
Gamegos |
http://www.gamegos.com |
info@gamegos.com |
İstanbul |
GameGULF |
https://gamegulfdeveloper.blogspot.com/ |
developergamegulf@gmail.com |
- |
Gameguru |
https://gameguru.net |
hello@gameguru.net |
İstanbul |
Gamelab Istanbul |
https://gamelab.istanbul |
- |
İstanbul |
Gameogram |
https://gameogram.com |
info@gameogram.com |
Ankara |
GamerHook |
https://www.gamerhook.net |
info@gamerhook.net |
İstanbul |
GamerMan |
https://gamermanmobilegames.blogspot.com/ |
gamerman7755@gmail.com |
Samsun |
Games Panda Studio |
https://gamespanda.studio/ |
gamespandastudio@gmail.com |
- |
Games United Yazılım Eğitim Sanayi Ticaret A.S. |
https://www.gamesunited.co/tr |
hello@gamesunited.co |
İstanbul |
GamesMrkt |
https://www.gamesmrkt.com |
support@gamesmrkt.com |
Mersin |
Gamester |
https://gamester.com.tr |
info@gamester.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Gametator |
https://www.gametator.com |
team@gametator.com |
İstanbul |
Gametric Labs |
https://gametriclabs.com |
support@gametriclabs.com |
İzmir |
Gamikro |
https://www.gamikro.com |
info@gamikro.com |
İstanbul |
Gamina Technology |
https://gaminatechnology.com/ |
info@gaminatechnology.com |
İstanbul |
Gaming Bug |
https://gamingbug.co/ |
gamingbug@support.co |
İstanbul |
Gamingo Studios |
https://x.com/gamingostudios |
- |
İzmir |
Gaminics |
https://www.gaminics.com |
https://www.gaminics.com/contact/ |
İzmir |
Gammate |
https://gammate.studio |
info@gammate.studio |
İstanbul |
Gany Games |
https://ganygames.com/ |
social@ganygames.com |
İstanbul |
Garawell Games |
https://www.garawell.com |
info@garawell.com |
İstanbul |
GateZero |
https://www.gatezero.co |
contact@gatezero.co |
İstanbul |
Gathering Tree |
http://gatheringtree.net |
- |
İstanbul |
GBoson |
http://gboson.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Geçen Teknoloji |
https://gecenteknoloji.com/ |
support@gecenteknoloji.com |
İstanbul |
Gedev Games |
https://gedev.gs |
contact@gedev.gs |
İstanbul |
Geekon |
https://discord.gg/Yzqtkeh49N |
- |
- |
Gemini |
http://www.geminibilisim.com.tr |
bilgi@geminibilisim.com.tr |
Ankara |
Gia Games |
https://giagames.co/ |
info@giagame.com |
İstanbul |
Giant Avocado |
https://giantavocado.games/ |
info@giantavocado.games |
Antalya |
Giant Cat Games |
https://www.giantcatgames.com/ |
info@giantcatgames.com |
Ankara |
Giby Games |
https://www.giby.games |
hello@giby.games |
Ankara |
Gigantic Games |
https://gigantic.gs |
action.robot.games@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Ging Games |
https://ging.games |
info@ging.games |
Ankara |
Ginger Joy Games |
https://gingerjoy.gs/ |
info@gingerjoy.gs |
İstanbul |
Gleam Games |
https://www.gleamgames.com |
info@gleamgames.com |
İstanbul |
Globile |
https://www.globile.biz/ |
mobilesupport@globile.biz |
- |
Glyde Games |
https://www.glydegames.com |
https://www.glydegames.com/contact |
İstanbul |
GMT Mobile |
http://www.gmtmobile.com/ |
info@gmtmobile.com |
İstanbul |
Gnarly |
https://gnarlyteam.com/ |
info@gnarlyteam.com |
İstanbul |
Golden Bridge Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/goldenbridgegames/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Goldsoft Ltd. |
https://goldsoft.com.tr/ |
goldsoft@goldsoft.com.tr |
Ankara |
Good Game Design Folks |
https://www.goodgamedesignfolks.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Good Job Games |
https://goodjobgames.com |
contact@goodjobgames.com |
İstanbul |
Good Mood Games |
https://goodmoodgames.com.tr/ |
pr@goodmoodgames.com.tr |
Ankara |
Gordion Game |
https://www.gordiongame.com |
support@worknightstudios.com |
İstanbul |
Gorgonize Games |
https://www.gorgonizegames.studio/ |
gorgonizegames@gmail.com |
Eskişehir |
Gorilla Softworks |
http://www.projecthumangame.com |
info@gorillasoftworks.com |
İstanbul |
Gozutok |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/yakup-gözütok-14508b132 |
- |
Bursa |
Gram Games |
www.gram.gs |
other@gram.gs |
İstanbul |
Grand Games |
https://grand.gs |
info@grand.gs |
İstanbul |
Grapps Games |
https://grappsgames.com/ |
grappsgames@gmail.com |
Tekirdağ |
Graveyard Games |
https://graveyardgames.co |
- |
İstanbul |
https://www.graypow.com/ |
info@graypow.com |
İstanbul |
Grove Games |
https://grove.gs |
hello@grove.gs |
İstanbul |
Gssnar Games |
https://gssnargames.com |
https://gssnargames.com/contact |
İstanbul |
Gubidik Games |
https://gubidikgames.com/ |
gubidikgames@outlook.com |
Aydın |
GUİ Bilişim Dan. ve Eğitim Ltd. Şti. |
https://www.gui.com.tr/ |
info@gui.com.tr |
Ankara |
Gulliver's Games |
https://gullivers.games/ |
support@gullivers.games |
İstanbul |
Gunay Dreams |
http://www.gunaystudio.com |
- |
Van |
GY Studios |
https://itekno.co/ |
gystudiosinfo@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Gybe Games |
https://www.gybegames.com |
info@gybegames.com |
İstanbul |
gyroscoping games |
http://www.gyroscopinggames.com |
info@gyroscopinggames.com |
Ankara |
hadi |
https://www.hadi.gs |
info@hadi.gs |
İstanbul |
Hakan Ince |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/hakanince |
- |
İstanbul |
Hakan Karaduman |
- |
- |
- |
Halojen |
https://www.halojen.app |
info@halojen.app |
Bolu |
Hamlet Games |
https://hamletgamestudio.com/ |
info@hamletgamestudio.com |
İstanbul |
Hammurabi Games |
www.hammurabigames.com |
hammurabi.games@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Han Studios |
https://han-studios.com |
- |
Ankara |
Handler |
https://influencewithai.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Hane Studios |
https://hanestudios.co/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Happy Crab Game Studio |
http://www.happycrab.com.tr/ |
http://www.happycrab.com.tr/ |
Kocaeli |
Happy Game Company |
https://www.happygamecompany.com |
hi@happygamecompany.com |
İzmir |
Harmoni Technology |
https://www.harmonitechnology.com/ |
harmonitechnology@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Harmonia Games |
https://harmoniagames.com |
hello@harmoniagames.com |
İstanbul |
Hasan Emre Soyyiğit |
- |
- |
- |
HasanKlncc |
https://hasanklncc.itch.io/ |
- |
- |
Hayo Akademi |
- |
- |
- |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/hcgames/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Hd Mobiles |
https://hdmobiles.net/ |
internetticaret@hotmail.com |
Kayseri |
He2 Apps |
www.he2apps.com |
iletisim@he2apps.com |
Ankara |
Heap Games |
https://www.heapgames.com |
info@heapgames.com |
Ankara |
Heisen Games |
www.heisengames.net |
info@heisengames.net |
İstanbul |
Helikanon Yazılım |
https://helikanon.com |
info@helikanon.com |
Gaziantep |
Helix |
https://helix.web.tr |
info@helix.web.tr |
Antalya |
Hepa Games |
https://hepagames.com |
info@hepagames.com |
Ankara |
hepsibir |
https://hepsibirmobile.blogspot.com/ |
hepdinle1@gmail.com |
Şanlıurfa |
Heradon Studios |
https://www.heradonstudios.com/ |
- |
İzmir |
Hero Concept |
https://www.heroconcept.com |
info@heroconcept.com |
İstanbul |
Hero Games |
https://www.herogamestudio.com |
hello@herogamestudio.com |
İstanbul |
Hexamon Games |
https://x.com/hexamongames |
- |
İstanbul |
Hey Games |
https://hey.gs |
info@hey.gs |
İstanbul |
Hidayet Sahin |
https://siberking.com/ |
- |
- |
Hidrojen Game |
https://www.hidrojengame.com.tr |
musa_candir@hotmail.com |
Kocaeli |
Hifive Games |
https://hifive.games |
- |
İstanbul |
Highborn Games |
http://highborn.games |
admin@highborn.games |
İstanbul |
HighRise Game Studio |
https://highrise.games |
- |
İzmir |
Hikmet Duran |
- |
hkmtdrn@gmail.com |
Ankara |
HirinGames |
https://hiringames.com |
info@hiringames.com |
İstanbul |
Hiroba Games |
https://hirobagames.com/ |
- |
- |
HOGO Games |
http://www.hogogames.com/ |
- |
Kocaeli |
Holago Games |
https://www.holagogames.com/ |
info@holagogames.com |
İstanbul |
Homecooked Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/homecooked-games/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Hoody Studios |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/hoodystudios/ |
ninja@ninja.company |
İstanbul |
Hot Purple Berry |
https://www.hotpurpleberry.com |
info@hotpurpleberry.com |
İstanbul |
Hotlak Games |
https://hotlak.com/ |
support@hotlak.com |
İstanbul |
HOUF Games |
https://houf.games/ |
info@houf.games |
İstanbul |
HRY Games |
https://www.hrygames.com/ |
developer@hrygroup.com |
Ankara |
Humbara Game Studio |
https://www.humbaragames.com/ |
humbaragames@gmail.com |
Karabük |
Huna Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/huna-games/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Hungri Games |
https://www.hungrigames.com |
info@hungrigames.com |
İstanbul |
Hype Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/hype-games-tr/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Hyperactive Games |
https://www.hyperactive.games |
hello@hyperactive.games |
Ankara |
Hyperlab |
https://www.hyperlab.games |
hello@hyperlab.games |
İstanbul |
HyperMonk |
https://www.hypermonkgames.com/ |
info@hypermonkgames.com |
Ankara |
HyperMonk Games |
https://hypermonkgames.com |
support@hypermonkgames.com |
Ankara |
Hypernova Technology & Gaming |
https://www.hypernova-tech.com/ |
info@hypernova-tech.com |
Ankara |
HyperRoll |
- |
- |
- |
iBright Games |
https://www.ibrightgames.com |
contact@ibrightgames.com |
İstanbul |
Icarus Interactive Entertainment |
https://icarusinteractive.co |
info@icarusinteractive.co |
İzmir |
Icon Game Studio |
https://www.icongamestudio.com/ |
5413274540 |
İstanbul |
İdris Çelik |
https://www.idriscelik.com.tr/ |
kuklainteractive@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
https://idsigames.com/ |
contact@idsigames.com |
İstanbul |
İkisoft |
http://taleworlds.com |
info@taleworlds.com |
Ankara |
ilgisoft Ltd. |
https://ilgisoft.com/ |
info@ilgisoft.com |
Tekirdağ |
Ilker Keles |
https://ilkerkeles.com/ |
- |
- |
Illumate Studios |
https://illumatestudios.com |
hi@illumatestudios.com |
Ankara |
Imaginite Studios |
https://www.imaginitesoft.com |
info@imaginitesoft.com |
İstanbul |
Immeta Studios |
https://immetastudios.com |
contact@immetastudios.com |
Kocaeli |
Impetus Games |
https://www.impetusgames.com/ |
support@impetusgames.com |
İstanbul |
Indie-dir Games |
www.indiedir.com |
info@indiedir.com |
Ankara |
indieGiant Games |
https://indiegiantgames.com/ |
info@indiegiantgames.com |
İstanbul |
inpocket.games |
https://www.inpocket.games |
contact@inpocket.ai |
İstanbul |
Inspector Studios |
https://www.inspectorstudios.com/ |
info@inspectorstudios.com |
İstanbul |
Inventuna Games |
https://www.inventuna.com |
info@inventuna.com |
İstanbul |
Irmak Can Ozsut |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/irmakcan/ |
- |
İstanbul |
https://www.ironheadgamestudios.com |
art@ironheadgamestudios.com |
Ankara |
İsfat Games |
- |
merttalhayilmaz1@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Ismail Michael Eyles |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/ismail-michael-eyles-02184b104 |
- |
İstanbul |
IWPA Game |
https://www.iwpagame.com |
- |
İstanbul |
iXdes Games |
https://ixdesgames.com/ |
support@ixdes.com |
İzmir |
https://www.izekgames.com/ |
izekgame@gmail.com |
Burdur |
JIB Games |
http://www.jib.gs |
info@jib.gs |
İstanbul |
JK Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/jkgames/ |
- |
İstanbul |
JMeta Oyun Metaverse ve Teknoloji Anonim Sirketi |
https://jmeta.games/ |
support@jmeta.games |
İzmir |
Joinco Games |
https://www.joincogames.com |
- |
İzmir |
https://jointsoft.net/index.html |
support@jointsoft.net |
İstanbul |
Joker Game |
https://www.jokergame.net |
corporate@joker.games |
İstanbul |
Jollify Games |
https://www.jollifygames.com |
info@jollifygames.com |
İstanbul |
Joygame Oyun ve Teknoloji A.Ş. |
http://www.joygame.com/ |
bizdev@joygame.com |
İstanbul |
Jozzy |
https://www.jozzy.io |
support@jozzy.io |
İstanbul |
Juicy Plume |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/juicy-plume/ |
- |
İstanbul |
KA Games |
https://kagames.net/ |
info@kagames.net |
İstanbul |
ka6an |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/ka6an/ |
- |
- |
Kaan Karavar |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaankaravar |
- |
İzmir |
Kaan Selçuk Karaböce |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaan-selcuk-karaboce-650b75166/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Kabuk Games |
https://kabuk.games |
info@kabuk.games |
Ankara |
Kadir Guezel |
- |
- |
- |
Kafein Oyun ve Internet Teknolojileri Ltd. Şti |
- |
contact@macarongames.com |
İstanbul |
Kajuu Games |
http://www.kajuugames.com |
support@kajuugames.com |
Karaman |
Kalkandelen Organizasyon |
https://www.kalkandelen.org/ |
info@kalkandelen.org |
Antalya |
Kanuni Games |
http://kanunigames.net |
support@kanunigames.com |
İstanbul |
KaraKunT |
https://kabilesavaslari.com/ana.yeni.php |
- |
- |
Karga Games |
https://www.kargagames.com |
info@kargagames.com |
Ankara |
KAYA Mobile Apps |
https://www.kayamobileapps.com/ |
support@kayamobileapps.com |
- |
Kayisoft |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/kayisoft/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Kct Bilişim |
https://www.kct.com.tr |
bilgi@kct.com.tr |
Mersin |
Kebab Game Studios |
https://kebabgamestudios.com |
- |
Bursa |
Keep Games |
https://keepgames.co |
info@keepgames.co |
İstanbul |
Keep the Engine Games |
https://www.ktegames.com/ |
info@ktegames.com |
Antalya |
Keet Game Studio |
- |
info@crenno.com |
İstanbul |
Kemal Hayal |
- |
- |
- |
Kerem Akyuz |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kerem-akyüz-a6507a109 |
- |
İstanbul |
Kerem Korkmaz |
https://zk-games.com/ |
- |
- |
Kerim Kumbasar |
https://kerimkumbasar.com/ |
- |
- |
KG Tasarım |
- |
- |
- |
KhoGames |
http://www.kho-games.com/ |
infokhogames@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Khufu Games |
https://www.khufugames.com/ |
info@khufugames.com |
Bolu |
Kibibyte |
http://kibibytegames.com |
kibibytegames@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
KidLab |
https://www.kidlab.app |
info@kidlab.app |
Konya |
KiKi Games |
https://www.kikigames.fun/ |
- |
Antalya |
Kirpi Studio |
https://www.kirpistudio.com |
https://www.kirpistudio.com/contact-us |
Ankara |
kitegames |
- |
- |
- |
Kleinstein Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/kleinstein-games/ |
info@kleinstein.games |
İstanbul |
Klik Klak |
https://klikklakstudio.com/ |
contact@klikklakstudio.com |
Ankara |
Klik! Games |
http://www.klikgames.net/ |
contact@klikgames.net |
İstanbul |
Koala Game Studio |
http://www.koalagamestudio.com/ |
info@koalagamestudio.com |
İstanbul |
Kodgraf (BoğazHarbi) |
http://www.kodgraf.com |
bilgi@kodgraf.com |
Ankara |
Kodlayt |
https://selimgezer.github.io/ |
ginfisoftware@gmail.com |
Gaziantep |
Kodobur |
https://kodobur.com |
info@kodobur.com |
Ankara |
Köfte Kalkan |
https://rastgelereyiz.com/KofteKalkan |
iletisim@rastgelereyiz.com |
İstanbul |
Kolapps |
https://github.com/Muhammedguven |
mguvenn96@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Konrul Game |
http://www.konrul.com/ |
info@konrul.com |
Ankara |
Kontra Games |
https://www.kontra.games/ |
hey@kontra.games |
İstanbul |
KORATA Software |
http://mcpeturk.com/ |
ataberkw@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Koray Atalay |
https://www.unicodegames.com/ |
info@unicodegames.com |
İzmir |
Kosk Games |
https://www.koskgames.com/ |
contact@koskgames.com |
İzmir |
Kovak Games |
https://kovakgames.herokuapp.com |
- |
Manisa |
Kreationware |
https://kreationware.com/home |
contact@kreationware.com |
- |
Kuark |
https://kuark.games/ |
hello@kuarkdijital.com |
Bursa |
Kubilay YILMAZ |
https://kubilayyilmaz.github.io/ |
kubilayyilmaz@outlook.com.tr |
Bursa |
Kuixo Bilişim Teknolojileri A.Ş. |
https://www.kuixo.com/ |
info@kuixo.com |
Ankara |
Kuka Games |
https://kukapps.com |
info@kukapps.com |
İstanbul |
kulmiss.com |
http://kulmiss.com |
info@kulmiss.com |
- |
Kumbara Teknoloji |
https://www.kumbarateknoloji.com |
info@istanbulegitim.com.tr |
Kocaeli |
Kumkuat Games |
https://www.kumkuatgames.com |
https://www.kumkuatgames.com/ |
Muğla |
Kurgu Studios |
https://kurgustudios.com/ |
info@kurgustudios.com |
İstanbul |
Kurultaic |
- |
- |
- |
Kuzgo |
https://kuzgo.com/ |
support@kuzgo.com |
İstanbul |
Kuzgun Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/kuzgun-games/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Kzy Studio |
https://kzystudio.blogspot.com/ |
kzystudio1@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
L8 Studios |
https://l8studios.com |
info@l8studios.com |
İstanbul |
La Camorra Games |
https://lacamorragames.com |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/lacamorra/ |
İstanbul |
Labla |
http://labla.net |
hello@labla.net |
Ankara |
Labor Bilişim |
https://laborbilisim.com/ |
info@laborbilisim.com |
Ankara |
Lacivert |
https://www.lacivert.org |
destek@lacivert.org |
İstanbul |
Ladik Apps & Games |
- |
ladikapps@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Lagari |
https://www.lagari.net |
info@lagari.net |
Adana |
Lagot Games |
https://www.lagotgames.com |
contact@lagotgames.com |
İstanbul |
Lama Games |
https://www.lama-games.com/ |
contact@lama.games |
Ankara |
LamuGame |
https://x.com/lamugame |
https://x.com/lamugame |
- |
Lance Games |
https://lancegames.com/ |
https://lancegames.com/contact-us |
Ankara |
Land Of Chasers |
https://thelandofchasers.io |
https://x.com/landofchasers |
Ankara |
Laps Games |
http://lapsgames.com |
play@lapsgames.com |
Ankara |
Last Bite Games |
https://www.lastbite.games |
contact@lastbite.games |
İstanbul |
Last Games |
https://last.games |
info@last.games |
İstanbul |
Last Minute Studios |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/last-minute-studios/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Lavega Games |
https://www.lavegagames.com/ |
hello@lavegagames.com |
İstanbul |
https://www.instagram.com/lazgamess/ |
- |
- |
Leap Games |
https://www.leapgames.mobi/ |
info@leapgames.mobi |
İstanbul |
Leartes Studios |
https://leartesstudios.com |
jobs@leartesstudios.com |
İstanbul |
Lebleby |
https://www.lebleby.com |
https://www.lebleby.com/contact/ |
Samsun |
Leke Games |
https://www.lekegames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Lemon8 Games |
https://www.playlemon8.com/ |
contact@playlemon8.com |
İzmir |
Lethe Studios |
https://lethestudios.net/ |
info@lethestudios.net |
İstanbul |
Libra Softworks |
https://www.librasoftworks.com |
librasoftworks@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
LimonGames |
https://www.limon.games/ |
info@limongames.com |
İstanbul |
Lith Games |
https://lithgames.com/ |
hello@lithgames.com |
İstanbul |
Litio Games |
https://litiogames.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Livetainment Games |
https://www.lvt.games |
hello@lvt.games |
İstanbul |
Locpick |
https://www.locpick.com |
info@locpick.com |
İstanbul |
LOD Games |
https://lod.games/ |
- |
Konya |
Lokum Games |
https://www.lokumgames.com |
contact@lokumgames.com |
İstanbul |
Longhorn Games |
https://longhorn.games |
hello@longhorn.games |
İstanbul |
Lonitoy |
http://www.lonitoy.com/ |
info@lonitoy.com |
- |
LookMan Game |
https://lookmangame.com/ |
info@lookmangame.com |
- |
Loop Games |
https://loopgames.net |
support@loopgames.net |
Ankara |
Loopify Games |
https://www.instagram.com/loopify_games/ |
- |
İstanbul |
LootCopter |
https://www.lootcopter.com |
info@lootcopter.com |
İstanbul |
Lorden Games |
https://www.lordengames.com/ |
info@lordengames.com |
İstanbul |
Lost Panda Games |
http://lostpandagames.com |
info@lostpandagames.com |
Ankara |
Lost Tales Studios |
https://losttales.studio |
info@losttales.studio |
Çanakkale |
LostCTRL |
https://www.lostctrl.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Lotus Games |
http://www.lotusgames.io/ |
- |
Ankara |
Lovelyart Bilisim Teknoloji A.S. |
- |
- |
- |
Loxi Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/loxi-games/ |
- |
Ankara |
Lucid11 |
https://www.lucid11.com |
https://www.lucid11.com/contact-us/ |
Ankara |
Ludu Games |
https://www.luduarts.com/ |
info@luduarts.com |
İstanbul |
Ludum Art Stüdyo |
https://www.ludumart.com.tr/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Ludum Games |
https://ludum.games/ |
info@ludum.games |
İstanbul |
Lugal Games |
https://www.lugalgames.com |
info@lugalgames.com |
İstanbul |
Lumier Games |
https://www.lumiergames.com |
info@lumiergames.com |
İstanbul |
Lumos Games |
https://lumos.games |
hi@lumos.games |
İstanbul |
Luna Games |
https://gamesluna.com |
contact@gamesluna.com |
Samsun |
Lutfi Baykan |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/lutfi-baykan-00895171/ |
- |
Ankara |
LYKOS Games |
http://lykosgames.com |
- |
Ankara |
Lyseco Games |
- |
franklyseco@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
M11 Studio |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/m11studio/ |
- |
Kocaeli |
M8 Games |
https://m8games.co/ |
info@m8games.co |
İstanbul |
MA Games |
- |
- |
- |
Machina Games |
http://machinagames.xyz |
info@machinagames.xyz |
İstanbul |
Macro Visual Studio |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/macrovisualstudio/ |
- |
Kocaeli |
Mad Gnome Works |
https://www.madgnome.works/ |
- |
- |
Madad Comp. |
https://games.madadcom.com/ |
info@madad.com.tr |
Gaziantep |
MadBeam Games |
https://madbeamgames.com/links |
- |
- |
Madbyte Games |
https://www.madbytegames.com |
contact@madbytegames.com |
İstanbul |
Madcraft Studios |
https://madcraftstudios.com |
https://madcraftstudios.com/contact/ |
İstanbul |
MadRooster |
https://www.madrooster.co |
emre@madrooster.co |
Denizli |
Maestro Game Studio |
http://maestro.gs |
- |
İstanbul |
Mafia Games |
https://mafia-games.com |
info@mafia-games.com |
İstanbul |
Mag Game Studio |
https://maggame.studio/ |
welikegames@maggame.studio |
Muğla |
Mage Games |
https://www.magegames.com/ |
info@magegames.com |
İzmir |
Magic Games |
https://magic.gs |
- |
İstanbul |
MagicLab Game Technologies |
www.maglab.com.tr |
hello@maglab.com.tr |
Ankara |
Magnistart |
https://www.magnistart.com |
contact@magnistart.com |
Konya |
Mai Games |
https://www.mai.games |
hr@mai.games |
İstanbul |
Maitive |
- |
- |
- |
Maka |
- |
- |
- |
Makemake |
https://www.makemake.com.tr/ |
game@makemake.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Manas Games |
http://www.manasgames.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Manc |
https://mancgames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Mangorama Studio |
https://www.mangoramastudio.com |
contact@mangoramastudio.com |
İstanbul |
Marcus7z |
https://marcus7z.com/ |
marcus7zdev@gmail.com |
- |
Margin Games |
http://www.margingames.com |
info@margingames.com |
İstanbul |
Marker Games |
http://marker.gs/ |
info@marker.gs |
Ankara |
MaruStudio |
- |
trkstudio@hotmail.com |
Osmaniye |
Masal Games |
https://masalgames.com/ |
info@masalgames.com |
İstanbul |
Masomo |
www.masomo.com |
support@masomo.com |
İzmir |
Massive Crystal |
https://massivecrystal.com |
contact@massivecrystal.com |
Muğla |
Mat |
http://matyazilim.com |
contact@matyazilim.com |
Malatya |
https://mathomeapp.com/ |
info@mathomeapp.com |
Kocaeli |
MAVERA Games |
https://calderasaga.com.tr/ |
maveragamesstudio@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Mavis Games |
http://www.mavisgames.com |
saygin@mavisgames.com |
İstanbul |
Mayadem |
http://www.mayadem.com |
iletisim@mayadem.com |
İstanbul |
Mayaworks |
https://maya.works |
iletisim@multiplayer.com.tr |
İstanbul |
mcjunior |
https://www.mcjunior.club/ |
- |
İstanbul |
MD Games |
https://emdi-games.com/ |
https://emdi-games.com/contact_us.php |
- |
Media Zone Games |
https://www.mediazonegames.com/ |
hello@trivians.io |
Ankara |
Medu Games |
https://www.medugame.com/ |
support@medugame.com |
İzmir |
Mega Fortuna |
https://megafortuna.co |
yelda@megafortuna.co |
Bursa |
- |
- |
- |
Mehmet Fatih Sahin |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mfatihshn/ |
- |
Ankara |
Mehmet Köksal |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mehmet-köksal-620a56116 |
- |
Ankara |
Mehmet Saygin |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mehmetsaygin/ |
- |
Adana |
Mekhyper Games |
https://www.mekhyper.co/ |
info@mekhyper.co |
İstanbul |
Melih Kavla |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/melihkavla/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Memoritory |
https://memoritory.com |
hello@memoritory.com |
İstanbul |
MentalUP - Learning Games |
https://www.mentalup.co/ |
info@mentalup.net |
İstanbul |
https://eyponr.blogspot.com/ |
eyponr065@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
merakName |
https://www.merakname.com/ |
https://www.merakname.com/iletisim/ |
- |
Mergy Games |
https://mergygame.com |
info@mergygame.com |
Mersin |
Mert Cagdas Baykal |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mertcbaykal/ |
- |
Bursa |
Meta Sapien Games |
https://www.metasapiengames.com/ |
info@metasapiengames.com |
İstanbul |
Metacorn Games |
https://www.metacorngames.com |
- |
Bursa |
Metaphor Games |
https://www.metaphor-games.com/ |
- |
İzmir |
Metaspeed |
https://metaspeed.com.tr |
info@metaspeed.com.tr |
Ankara |
Metaverse Bilgi Teknolojileri |
https://metaversebilgi.com.tr/ |
info@metaversebilgi.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Metavision Studio |
https://metavision.com.tr/ |
info@metavision.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Mete İlhan |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mete-ilhan/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Metin Yucel |
http://www.bountyhunt.net/ |
info@bountyhunt.net |
Ankara |
Mevem |
https://www.youtube.com/@mevemgame6467 |
mevemgame@gmail.com |
- |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mevlüt-bakıcı-b92180138/ |
- |
Muğla |
Midas Games |
https://midas.gs |
hi@midas.gs |
İstanbul |
Midpoly Games |
https://midpolygames.com |
info@midpolygames.com |
İstanbul |
Mil Game Studio |
https://milgamestudio.com/ |
info@milgamestudio.com |
Ankara |
Mila Games |
https://milagames.com.tr |
info@milagames.com.tr |
İstanbul |
MildMania |
https://mildmania.com |
hr@mildmania.com |
Ankara |
MilGame Studio |
https://milgamestudio.com |
info@milgamestudio.com |
Ankara |
Mimosa Games |
https://mimosagames.com |
felderguo@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Mind Maze Game |
http://www.mindmazegame.com |
https://mathcrossword.com/contact |
Hatay |
Mindeck Games |
https://www.mindeckgames.com |
info@mindeckgames.com |
İstanbul |
Minfek |
https://minfek.com/ |
support@minfek.com |
- |
Minikler Öğreniyor |
https://www.miniklerogreniyor.com/ |
info@miniklerogreniyor.com |
- |
MiniMana Games |
http://www.minimanagames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
miniOKEY.com |
https://www.miniokey.com/ |
info@miniokey.com |
İstanbul |
MiniPoP Games |
https://cas.ai/ |
minipop.game@gmail.com |
Antalya |
Miracle Works Game Studio |
https://miracleworks.com.tr/ |
info@miracleworks.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Mirror Studio |
https://www.mirrorstudio.net/lander |
5373224333 |
İzmir |
Misclick Games |
https://misclickgames.com/ |
contact@misclickgames.com |
İstanbul |
Miu Games |
https://miugamesstudio.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Mixer Games |
https://www.mixer.games |
hello@mixer.games |
İstanbul |
MkCelikbas |
http://www.mkcelikbas.com/ |
mkcelikbas@gmail.com |
Kayseri |
Mobge |
http://mobge.net |
support@mobge.net |
Eskişehir |
Mobilecraft |
http://www.mobilecraft.net |
support@mobilecraft.net |
İstanbul |
Mobilep Creative |
https://www.ugurdalkiran.com/ |
mobilepcreative@gmail.com |
Ankara |
https://www.mobiversite.com/ |
info@mobiversite.com |
Ankara |
Moda Games |
https://www.modagames.com |
official@modagames.com |
İstanbul |
moed.software |
https://moedsoftware.blogspot.com/ |
moed.software@gmail.com |
Şanlıurfa |
Mog Studio |
https://mog.studio |
info@mog.studio |
İstanbul |
Mojo Games |
http://mojo.gs |
erbil@mojo.gs |
İstanbul |
https://momend.com/ |
https://momend.com/ |
Ankara |
Momosh Studios |
https://www.momoshstudios.com/ |
momoshstudios@gmail.com |
Antalya |
Monkeys Team |
https://monkeysteam.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
https://www.playmonnom.com |
playmonnom@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Mono Dijital |
http://monoyoga.net |
monoyoga@yandex.com.tr |
Sivas |
Moocsoft |
https://moocsoft.blogspot.com/ |
hacitykhes@gmail.com |
Konya |
Mood Games |
https://mood.games |
support@mood.games |
Bursa |
Moomoo Games |
https://www.moomoo.games |
info@moomoo.games |
İstanbul |
Moon Games |
https://moongames.net |
- |
Ankara |
Moon Punch Technologies |
https://www.moonpunchgames.com/ |
https://www.moonpunchgames.com/ |
İstanbul |
Moonstar Games |
http://www.moonstargames.com/ |
info@moonstargames.com |
İstanbul |
Moralabs |
https://moralabs.com |
info@moralabs.com |
Ankara |
Morii Games |
https://moriigames.com/ |
info@morii.games |
İstanbul |
Mortys Games |
https://www.mortysgames.com/ |
admin@mortysgames.com |
İstanbul |
Motion Blur |
http://motionblur.com |
info@motionblur.com |
İstanbul |
Mriya Games |
https://www.mriyagames.net |
mriyacommunity@outlook.com |
İstanbul |
MRT Game Studio |
https://mrtgamestudio.blogspot.com/ |
mrtgamestudiosup@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Msb Apps |
https://msb-apps.com/ |
support@msb-apps.com |
- |
Mucahit Kaplan |
- |
- |
- |
Mudio Games |
https://mudiogames.com |
support@mudiogames.com |
İstanbul |
Muffinastic Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/muffinastic-games/ |
- |
Kocaeli |
https://musacandir.com.tr/ |
- |
- |
Mustafa Alimoğlu |
- |
dgsdestinygamestudios@gmail.com |
Kayseri |
Mustafa Aziz Sevimli |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafaazizsevimli/ |
- |
Konya |
Mustafa Tugrul Ozsahin |
https://www.instagram.com/mtozsahin |
- |
- |
Musteren |
http://www.musterengames.com/ |
info@musterengames.com |
- |
MVS Games |
https://www.mvsgames.com |
mail@mvsgames.com |
Ankara |
MyDos Technology |
http://www.mydostech.com |
info@mydostech.com |
Edirne |
MYM Games Studio |
https://www.mymgamesstudios.com.tr/ |
info@mymbilisim.com |
İstanbul |
Mythra Tech |
http://www.mythratech.com |
info@mythratech.com |
İzmir |
N-Path Games |
https://www.npathgames.com |
hr@npathgames.com |
Ankara |
Naezith |
https://naezith.com |
naezith@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Naisu Games |
https://www.naisugames.com |
contact@naisugames.com |
İzmir |
Narcade |
http://narcade.com |
https://www.narcade.com/contact |
İstanbul |
Natural Action Games |
- |
- |
- |
Naturepixel Studios |
https://www.naturepixelstudios.com/ |
- |
Denizli |
Naylalabs |
https://www.naylalabs.com/ |
hello@naylalabs.com |
Samsun |
NBL Games |
https://nblgames.com |
info@nblgames.com |
İstanbul |
NBS Development |
- |
- |
- |
NDG Studio |
http://www.ndgstudio.com.tr |
- |
Ankara |
- |
nebibasaran@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
https://nebulagames.io/ |
- |
- |
Necmi Demirkeser |
- |
gamikrogames@gmail.com |
- |
Nene Learning Solutions |
- |
infoneneapps@gmail.com |
Denizli |
Neome Games |
https://neomegames.net |
- |
Ankara |
neotech |
- |
- |
- |
nepoo! Games |
- |
- |
Ankara |
Neslihan Aydınöğlu |
http://www.neslihanaydinoglu.com/ |
neslihan.aydinoglu@gmail.com |
- |
Netbu |
https://mobile.netbu.com/ |
info@netbu.com |
İstanbul |
New Hit Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/new-hit-games/ |
- |
İzmir |
Nfinity Games |
https://corp.nfinitygames.com/ |
bilgi@nfinitygames.com |
İstanbul |
NiceTry Games |
http://ntgstudio.com/ |
ahmetntg@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
NightByte Games |
https://www.nightbytegames.com/ |
contact@nightbytegames.com |
İstanbul |
Nirah Games |
https://www.nirahgames.com |
hello@nirahgames.com |
İzmir |
Nitra Games Ltd. |
https://www.nitragames.com/ |
info@nitragames.com |
İstanbul |
Nitrid Game |
http://www.nitrid.com |
info@nitrid.com |
İstanbul |
Nitrogen Games |
https://nitrogengames.com/ |
hilmi@nitrogengames.com |
İzmir |
njoyKidz |
https://njoykidz.com |
hello@njoykidz.com |
İstanbul |
No Ceiling Games |
https://noceilinggames.com/ |
contact@noceilinggames.com |
- |
No Surrender |
https://nosurrender.studio |
community@nosurrender.studio |
İstanbul |
no-pact |
www.nopact.com |
info@nopact.com |
İstanbul |
Nocturnal Games |
https://www.nocturnal.games |
hello@nocturnal.games |
İstanbul |
NoExit Games |
https://www.noexitgames.com |
info@noexitgames.com |
Ankara |
Noho Games |
https://noho.games |
hello@noho.games |
İstanbul |
http://www.nokogames.com |
https://nokogames.com/ |
İstanbul |
Nomad Monkey |
https://www.nomadmonkey.xyz |
- |
Ankara |
Nomadic Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/nomadicgames |
- |
İstanbul |
NoneReal Games |
https://nonereal.com |
career@nonereal.com |
İstanbul |
Nonsum Games |
https://nonsumgames.com |
info@nonsumgames.com |
İstanbul |
Nopact |
http://nopact.com |
info@nopact.com |
İstanbul |
Nopnag Studios |
http://www.nopnag.com |
https://nopnag.com/ |
İstanbul |
NorthWall |
- |
info@cubecubesports.com |
İstanbul |
NoSurrender Game Studio |
https://www.nosurrender.studio/ |
hello@nosurrender.studio |
İstanbul |
Notang |
- |
notangstudios@gmail.com |
Kocaeli |
NoWhere Studios |
https://www.nowherestudios.com |
info@nowherestudios.com |
İstanbul |
Noxart Games |
https://www.noxart.com.tr |
- |
Antalya |
Nyctophile Studios |
https://www.nyctophilestudios.com |
info@nyctophilestudios.com |
İstanbul |
OA Game Studio |
https://www.oagamestudio.com |
oags@oagamestudio.com |
Zonguldak |
Obur Games |
https://oburgames.com |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/oburgames/ |
Muğla |
Od Game Studio |
http://odgamestudio.com |
info@odgamestudio.com |
Ankara |
OEGame Studios |
https://oegamestudios.com |
info@oegamestudios.com |
Ankara |
Oguzhan Uglu |
- |
- |
- |
Oktay Başkuş |
- |
98oktay@gmail.com |
Aydın |
Olympos Games |
http://www.olymposgames.com |
info@olmyposgames.com |
İstanbul |
Omicron Games |
https://omicron.games/ |
contact@omicron.games |
İstanbul |
https://onoff.games |
info@onoff.games |
İstanbul |
One Dot Games |
https://onedot.games |
info@onedot.games |
İstanbul |
One Percent |
https://playonepercent.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Onur BAKIŞ |
- |
memorycardsgame@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Onur Tekin |
https://whquestions.com/en/why/ |
https://whquestions.com/en/why/ |
- |
Optimus Game Studio |
https://optimusgame.studio/ |
support@optimusgame.studio |
Ankara |
Opto Games |
http://optogames.com/ |
support@optogames.com |
İstanbul |
Orange Wolf |
https://www.orangewolfgames.com |
https://orangewolfgames.com/contact/ |
İstanbul |
Oreon Studios |
https://oreonstudios.com |
info@oreonstudios.com |
Ankara |
Origami Spaceship |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/origami-spaceship/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Orkbadger |
https://orkbadger.itch.io/ |
- |
- |
Osman Beceren |
osmanbcrnn@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Osman Caner Nurdag |
- |
osmancanernurdag@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Osman Senol |
https://yildirim.me/ |
kilicc.korayy@gmail.com |
- |
OtiLab |
https://otilab.com |
info@otilab.com |
Ankara |
OTTO Games |
https://ottogames.studio |
hi@ottogames.studio |
Ankara |
Ottoman Games |
https://ottomangames.com |
info@ottomangames.com |
İstanbul |
OutClass |
https://www.instagram.com/outclass_games/ |
- |
- |
Outis Tech |
- |
techoutis@gmail.com |
Ankara |
oxcakmak |
https://oxcakmak.com/ |
info@oxcakmak.com |
- |
OXO Games |
https://www.oxogames.net |
oxogamestudio@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
OXSgames |
https://oxs.games/ |
games@oxsbilisim.com |
İstanbul |
Oxyun |
https://www.oxyun.com |
info@oxyun.com |
İstanbul |
Oyun Stüdyosu |
http://www.oyunstudyosu.com/ |
info@oyunstudyosu.com |
İstanbul |
OyuNest |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/oyunest/ |
- |
İstanbul |
OyunMu |
https://oyunmu.com |
- |
İstanbul |
OyunStudyosu Interaktif Teknolojiler |
https://www.oyunstudyosu.com/ |
info@oyunstudyosu.com |
İstanbul |
PabloGame |
- |
pablogamestudio@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Pace |
https://pacetech.co |
info@pacetech.co |
İstanbul |
Paff Creative Studios |
https://paffstudios.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Pan Games |
https://pan.games |
support@pan.games |
İstanbul |
Pangea VR |
https://pangeavr.com |
contact@pangeavr.com |
İstanbul |
Pango Games |
http://www.pangogames.com |
info@pangogames.com |
İstanbul |
Panteon |
https://www.panteon.games |
info@panteon.games |
Ankara |
Paper Pigeon Games |
https://www.ppigeon.com/ |
info@ppigeon.com |
İstanbul |
Paper Pixel Games |
https://www.paperpixelgames.com/ |
paperpixelgamest@gmail.com |
- |
Parma Games |
https://parmagames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Pars Game Studio |
https://www.instagram.com/pars.gamestudio/ |
- |
- |
Pasatempos Games |
https://pasatemposgames.business.site/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Passion Punch |
https://passionpunch.co |
contact@passionpunch.studio |
İstanbul |
Patates Games |
https://patatesgames.com |
info@patatesgames.com |
Bursa |
Path Games |
https://www.pathgames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Pati Game Studio |
https://www.patigamestudio.com/ |
contact@patigamestudio.com |
İstanbul |
PawPunch Entertainment |
- |
pawpunchentertainment@outlook.com |
- |
Pax Animi Games |
http://paxanimigames.com |
info@paxanimigames.com |
İstanbul |
Paxie Games |
https://paxiegames.com |
hey@paxiegames.com |
İstanbul |
PayitahT |
- |
oyuncenneti1@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Paylasimevi |
paylasimeviniz@gmail.com |
İzmir |
Peak Games |
www.peak.com |
contact@peak.com |
İstanbul |
Penguen Umut |
- |
uuisik@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Perhaps |
- |
developer@perhaps.games |
İstanbul |
Petrolig Games |
https://petroliggames.com |
info@petroliggames.com.tr |
İstanbul |
PetroLigDijital |
http://www.petroligdijital.com/ |
info@poas.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Pex Entertainment |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/pex-entertainment/ |
- |
Mersin |
PeykGames |
http://www.peykgames.com/ |
- |
- |
Peynir Games |
- |
gamespeynir@gmail.com |
Samsun |
Phew Phew Games |
https://phewphewgames.com/ |
info@phewphewgames.com |
İstanbul |
Phoca |
https://phoca.io |
info@phoca.io |
İzmir |
Piagmo |
https://www.piagmo.com |
support@piagmo.com |
İzmir |
Pine Games |
https://pinegames.com |
info@pinegames.com |
İstanbul |
Pink Games |
https://pinkgames.net |
contact@pinkgames.net |
İstanbul |
Pinq Games |
https://pinq.games |
info@pinq.games |
Ankara |
Pipoza Games |
https://www.pipozastudio.com/ |
contact@pipozastudio.com |
Ankara |
Pixega Studio |
https://www.pixegastudio.com |
info@pixegastudio.com |
Ankara |
Pixel Lantern |
https://www.pixellantern.com/ |
info@bardsgold.com |
- |
Pixelized |
https://www.pixelizedstudio.com/ |
info@pixelizedstudio.com |
Ankara |
Pixofun |
http://pixofun.com |
info@pixofun.com |
Ankara |
Piyanos Technology |
https://www.piyanos.com/ |
info@piyanos.com |
İstanbul |
Placebo Games |
https://www.placebo.games/ |
second6270@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
https://www.plaichess.com |
info@plaichess.com |
İstanbul |
Planck Games |
http://crossyword.planckgames.com/ |
info@planckgames.com |
İstanbul |
Play Pact Studio |
- |
infoplaypact@gmail.com |
Adana |
Playable Factory |
https://playablefactory.com |
hello@playablefactory.com |
İstanbul |
PlayArd |
https://playard.dev |
- |
İzmir |
Playin |
https://playin.com.tr/ |
help@playin.com.tr |
İzmir |
Playmost |
https://www.playmost.io/ |
info@playmost.io |
İstanbul |
Playstige Interactive |
https://playstige.com/ |
contact@playstige.com |
- |
Playtoon |
https://playtoongame.wixsite.com/portfolio |
hello@playtoon.games |
İstanbul |
Plexus Game |
https://plexusgame.com/ |
support@plexusgame.com |
İstanbul |
Poison Software |
https://www.poisonsoftware.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Pokuch |
https://pokuch.com/ |
contact@pokuch.com |
Trabzon |
Polyque |
http://www.polyque.com/ |
hello@polyque.com |
İstanbul |
Ponchiqs |
https://ponchiqs.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Ponyom Games |
https://ponyom.com/ |
support@ponyom.com |
İstanbul |
Potensas |
https://potensas.com/ |
info@potensas.com |
İstanbul |
POW Games |
https://pow-games.blogspot.com/ |
email@powgames.co.uk |
Bursa |
Pozi |
https://www.pozikids.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Presto Games |
https://www.prestogames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Project Flying Cat |
https://www.projectflyingcat.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Proo Games |
https://proo.games/ |
support@proo.games |
İstanbul |
Proud Dinosaurs |
https://prouddinosaurs.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Proximity Games |
- |
hopeless_23@hotmail.com |
- |
Psk. Dan. Fuat AYDOĞDU |
https://www.fuataydogdu.com/ |
pskdanfuat@gmail.com |
Bursa |
PtronPlay Digital |
https://ptronplay.com.tr/ |
support@ptronplay.com.tr |
Kayseri |
Punbas Studio |
https://www.punbas.com/ |
punbas.studio@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Pundun Games |
https://pundun.co/ |
hi@pundun.co |
Bursa |
Punta Games |
https://puntagames.com/ |
- |
İzmir |
Pusu Games |
https://pusugames.com.tr/ |
yasofixsoftware@gmail.com |
Adana |
Puura Games |
https://puuragames.com |
puura.games@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
PuzzleHouseApps |
https://www.puzzlehouseapps.com/ |
puzzlehouseapps@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Pyre Games |
https://www.pyregames.com/ |
hello@pyregames.com |
İstanbul |
Pyro Games |
https://www.pyrogames.io |
hello@pyrogames.io |
İzmir |
Quick Mobile Game |
https://quickmobilegame.blogspot.com/ |
quickmobilegame@gmail.com |
- |
Qulvar Game Studio |
https://www.qulvar.com |
info@qulvar.com |
Ankara |
Quok Games |
https://quok.games |
info@quok.games |
Ankara |
http://www.happycenter.com.tr/ |
happycan@happy.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Radiant Cat Studio |
https://www.radiantcat.studio |
info@radiantcat.studio |
İstanbul |
RadKod |
https://radkod.com/ |
info@radkod.com |
Manisa |
Raising Game Studio |
https://www.raisinggamestudio.com/ |
info@raisinggamestudio.com |
Bursa |
RandomAction |
https://www.randomaction.net/ |
info@randomaction.net |
İstanbul |
RappGames |
https://www.rappgames.com/ |
info@rappgames.com |
İstanbul |
Rapture Games |
http://rapture.com.tr/ |
info@rapture.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Rasu Games |
- |
support@rasugames.com |
Kahramanmaraş |
Ratic |
https://ratic.io/ |
support@ratic.com |
İstanbul |
Ravenhood Games |
https://www.ravenhoodgames.com |
- |
Ankara |
Raviosoft |
https://www.raviosoft.com |
support@raviosoft.com |
İstanbul |
RealityArts Studio |
www.realityartsstudio.com |
info@realityartsstudio.com |
İstanbul |
Reboot Interactive |
http://reboot.ist |
jobs@reboot.ist |
İstanbul |
Reçel Games |
- |
- |
- |
Recontact Games |
www.recontactgame.com |
info@recontactgame.com |
İstanbul |
Red Axe Games |
https://redaxegames.com/ |
contact@redaxegames.com |
Kocaeli |
Red Chameleon Game Studios |
https://www.rclstudio.io/ |
hi@rclstudio.io |
İstanbul |
Red Ruby Studio |
http://redruby.studio/ |
info@redruby.studio |
İstanbul |
Red Yatagan |
https://www.redyatagan.com |
help.redyatagan@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Redevio |
http://www.redevio.com |
info@redevio.com |
Ankara |
Redivided Studios |
https://redividedstudios.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
RedPunch Studios |
https://www.redpunchstudios.com |
games@aze-tech.com |
Zonguldak |
Redsoft Studio |
https://www.redsoftstudio.com/ |
info@redsoftstudio.com |
İstanbul |
Reha Studio |
https://rehayazilim.blogspot.com/ |
rehagamestudio@gmail.com |
Kayseri |
Remoob |
https://remoobgames.com/ |
hello@remoobgames.com |
Ankara |
RestPlay |
https://www.restplay.com/ |
info@restplay.com |
İstanbul |
Retroket Entertainment |
https://www.yavuzsurmeli.com/ |
yavuz_surmeli@hotmail.com |
İstanbul |
Revel Games |
http://www.revel.gs |
info@revel.gs |
İstanbul |
Revino Games |
https://www.revinogames.com/ |
info@iottech.com.tr |
- |
Rex Games |
http://www.rexgames.net |
info@rexgames.net |
Ankara |
Rh Positive Games |
https://rhpositive.com/ |
admin@rhpositive.com |
İstanbul |
Rhinovate |
https://www.rhinovate.com.tr |
hi@rhinovate.com.tr |
Ankara |
Ridgge |
https://www.ridgge.com/ |
info@ridgge.com |
Denizli |
Rise Studio |
https://www.rosevideogame.com |
rosevideogame@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
RitimUS |
https://ritimus.com/ |
destek@ritimus.com |
İstanbul |
Rocinante Games |
http://www.rocinantegames.com |
info@rocinantegames.com |
İstanbul |
Rocket Games |
https://rocket.gs |
support@panteon.games |
İstanbul |
Rodd Games |
https://rodd.games |
emreo@rodd.games |
İzmir |
ROG Studios |
https://rogstudios.com |
contact@rogstudios.com |
İstanbul |
Roid Games |
https://akinozbay99.github.io/ |
akinozbay1999@gmail.com |
Kocaeli |
Roko Game Studios |
https://rokosoft.com |
info@rokosoft.com |
İstanbul |
Rollic Games |
https://www.rollicgames.com |
info@rollicgames.com |
İstanbul |
Rolling Game Studio |
https://rollingstudiogames.xyz/ |
- |
- |
Roof Games |
https://roofgames.com |
PeopleExperience@roofgames.com |
Elazığ |
Rooftop Games |
https://rooftopgames.com.tr/ |
marketing@rooftopgames.com.tr |
Ankara |
Roog Game Studio |
www.rooggames.com |
- |
İzmir |
Room Games |
http://roomgames.co |
hello@roomgames.co |
İzmir |
Rooster Games |
http://roostergames.net |
info@roostergames.net |
Denizli |
https://root.work |
- |
İstanbul |
Root Games |
http://root-games.com |
http://root-games.com/#contact |
İzmir |
Rootcraft |
http://www.rootcraft.net |
info@rootcraft.net |
Ankara |
Rotatelab |
https://rotatelab.com |
info@rotatelab.com |
Gaziantep |
Round 3 Studios |
https://round3studios.com |
info@round3studios.com |
İstanbul |
Royal Arcade Games |
- |
lobnamelali@gmail.com |
- |
Rsy |
https://discord.gg/QSSFNuRewK |
- |
- |
Rubedo Games |
- |
- |
Mersin |
Rubik Games |
https://www.rubik.games/ |
support@rubik.games |
Konya |
Ruby Games |
http://rubygamestudio.com |
info@rubygamestudio.com |
İzmir |
Ruff Games |
https://www.ruffgamestudio.com/ |
hello@roof.games |
İzmir |
Rune Games |
https://runegames.com/ |
contact@runegames.com |
İzmir |
Rustle Games |
https://rustlegames.com |
info@rustlegames.com |
İstanbul |
Rygrad Studio |
https://studio.rygrad.com |
- |
İstanbul |
https://s2sgame.com/ |
info@s2sgame.com |
Bursa |
Sabo Software |
https://sabosoftware.com/ |
sabosoftware@gmail.com |
Antalya |
Sabri Güler |
https://sabrigulerr.com/ |
guler.sabr@yandex.com |
- |
Sagewind Studio |
https://stratera.co/ |
- |
- |
Sarper Şoher |
https://www.sarpersoher.com/ |
sarpersoher@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
SAT Productions |
https://www.satproductions.com/ |
contact@satproductions.com |
Ankara |
Satori Games |
https://satorimobile.com |
ceo.emretokerler@satorimobile.com |
İstanbul |
Scorp Game |
https://www.scorpgame.com |
info@scorpgame.com |
İstanbul |
Scroll Next |
http://scrollnext.games |
akinkursatozkan@scrollnext.games |
Tokat |
- |
sdatbayram@gmail.com |
İzmir |
Sea Games |
https://seagames.studio |
info@seagames.studio |
İstanbul |
SekGames |
https://sekgames.com |
info@sekgames.com |
İstanbul |
Semerkand Mobil |
https://semerkand.com.tr/ |
semerkand@semerkand.com |
İstanbul |
Semruk Games |
https://semrukgames.com |
https://semrukgames.com/contact-us/ |
İstanbul |
Ser-Apps |
https://ser-apps.web.app/ |
serkan82@programmer.net |
- |
Serkan Ozyilmaz |
https://wordstergame.com/ |
wordstergame@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Seven Owl Games |
https://sevenowlgames.com |
support@sevenowlgames.com |
İstanbul |
Shadowfall Studios |
https://www.shadowfallstudios.com |
info@shadowfallstudios.com |
İstanbul |
Shawty Games |
https://www.shawtygames.com |
info@shawtygames.com |
İstanbul |
Siis Games |
http://siisgames.com |
games@siis.com.tr |
İzmir |
Silevel Games |
https://www.silevel.com/ |
info@silevel.com |
İstanbul |
SilSoft Oyun |
https://www.silsoftoyun.com |
info@silsoftoyun.com |
İstanbul |
Simdepo Games |
https://simdepogames.com/ |
contact@simdepogames.com |
Edirne |
Simge Home Studio |
- |
sercanacikgoz.ps@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Simge Studios |
https://www.simgesimulasyon.com |
info@simgesimulasyon.com |
Ankara |
Simofun |
https://www.simofun.com |
info@simofun.com |
Ankara |
Simsoft |
http://simsoft.com.tr |
info@simsoft.com.tr |
Ankara |
Simula Games |
https://simulagames.com |
- |
Ankara |
Sincapp Games |
https://www.sincappgames.com |
sincappstudio@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
SinginGiant |
http://www.singingiant.com |
info@singingiant.com |
İstanbul |
Sir Studios |
https://sirstudios.com |
support@sirstudios.com |
İstanbul |
Sirius Games Yazılım Anonim Şirketi |
https://siriusgames.co/ |
info@siriusgames.co |
İstanbul |
Sisifos Games |
https://www.sisifosgames.com/ |
sisifosgame@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Six Pawns Studio |
https://www.sixpawnstudios.com/ |
info@sixpawnstudios.com |
İzmir |
SK Games |
http://www.skgames.net |
info@skgames.net |
Ankara |
SKEB Studios |
https://skebstudios.com |
info@skebstudios.com |
İstanbul |
Skilled |
https://skilledhub.xyz |
https://www.skilledhub.co/contact-us |
İstanbul |
SkyBrave |
https://skybrave.itch.io/ |
yigitdorukk20@gmail.com |
- |
Skycall |
- |
skycallsoft@gmail.com |
İzmir |
Skyfect Studio |
https://skyfect.com/ |
contact@skyfect.com |
İstanbul |
Skylb Elektronik Tic. A.S. |
https://skylb.com/ |
info@skylb.com |
İstanbul |
Skyloft |
https://www.skyloftstudios.com/ |
support@skyloftstudios.com |
İzmir |
SkyRamp Games |
https://skyrampgames.com |
dev@skyrampgames.com |
İstanbul |
SMK Driving Games |
- |
smk45soft@gmail.com |
- |
smSoft |
https://cargosimulator.github.io/ |
seckindemir01@gmail.com |
Ankara |
https://www.sngict.com/ |
info@sngstudios.com |
Ankara |
SNG Studios |
https://www.sngict.com |
info@sngict.com |
Ankara |
Sobe Game Studios |
https://sobegame.com |
info@sobegame.com |
İstanbul |
Sociapol |
https://www.sociapol.com |
- |
Eskişehir |
Software Kingdom |
https://www.thesoftwarekingdom.com |
softwarekingdomtr@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Soi Games |
https://soigames.com |
contact@soigames.com |
İstanbul |
Şölen |
https://www.solen.com.tr/ |
ozmogames@solen.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Sonicmob |
https://www.sonicmob.co |
info@sonicmob.co |
İstanbul |
Spektra Games |
https://spektra.games |
business@spektra.games |
İstanbul |
Spektrum Games |
https://www.spektrumgames.com |
info@spektrumgames.com |
Ankara |
Spyke Games |
https://spykegames.com |
support@spykegames.com |
İstanbul |
srtApps |
https://srtapps.com/ |
info@srtyazilim.com |
Bursa |
Stak Games |
https://www.stakgames.com |
info@mysite.com |
Hatay |
Stardust Games |
https://stardust.gs |
info@stardust.gs |
İstanbul |
StartupHeroes |
https://startuphero.es/ |
info@startuphero.es |
İstanbul |
Steelion Studios |
https://steelionstudios.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Stellar Shift Studio |
https://www.stellarshiftstudio.com |
hello@starhuntergames.com |
İstanbul |
Stormling Studios |
https://stormlingstudios.com |
info@stormlingstudios.com |
İstanbul |
Stratera Games |
https://stratera.co/ |
cv@stratera.co |
İstanbul |
Studio Billion |
https://www.studiobillion.com |
info@studiobillion.com |
İstanbul |
Studio Gamebit |
www.studiogamebit.com |
contact@studiogamebit.com |
İstanbul |
Studio Gathering Storm |
https://studiogatheringstorm.com/ |
info@studiogatheringstorm.com |
- |
StudioGamebit |
www.studiogamebit.com |
contact@studiogamebit.com |
İstanbul |
Suat sahin |
https://suatsahin.com/ |
suat@suatsahin.com |
- |
Suji Games |
https://suji.games |
info@sujigames.com |
İstanbul |
sulubeyn |
https://sulubeyn.com/ |
admin@sulubeyn.com |
- |
Sumer Games |
https://sumer.games |
info@sumer.games |
İstanbul |
Sunius |
http://bilimaktuel.com/ |
abdullah2054@gmail.com |
Diyarbakır |
SunLight Games |
https://sunlightgames.site/ |
sunlightgame.studio@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Super Word Games |
- |
unalzubari@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Superfly |
https://superfly.gs |
- |
Ankara |
SuperGears Games |
https://supergears.games |
contact@supergears.games |
İstanbul |
Supergrade Games |
https://www.supergradegames.com/ |
support@supergradegames.com |
Ankara |
SuperMesh Games |
https://supermesh.games |
info@supermesh.games |
İstanbul |
Suup Games |
https://www.suupgames.com/ |
help@suupgames.com |
İstanbul |
T. C. Genclik ve Spor Bakanligi |
https://gsb.gov.tr/tr |
nusrat@gsb.gov.tr |
Ankara |
TaleForge Studios |
https://taleforgestudio.com/ |
taleforgemedia@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
TaleMonster Games |
https://talemonster.games |
contact@talemonster.games |
İstanbul |
TaleWorlds Entertainment |
www.taleworlds.com |
info@taleworlds.com |
Ankara |
Talha and Jack Co. |
https://talhaandjack.co/ |
jack@talhaandjack.co |
- |
Talus Studio |
http://www.talusstudio.com/ |
info@talusstudio.com |
İstanbul |
Tamduk |
https://tamduk.com/ |
support@tamduk.com |
İstanbul |
Tape Corps |
https://tapecorps.com |
- |
İzmir |
Tarboosh Games |
https://tarbooshgames.com |
hello@tarbooshgames.com |
İstanbul |
Tasarımcı Dayı Youtube Ltd. Şti. |
https://tasarimcidayi.com/ |
info@tasarimcidayi.com |
- |
- |
tkarakilic@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Tayfa Games |
http://tayfagames.com/ |
info@tayfagames.com |
İstanbul |
Tayfun Tuna |
https://tayfuntuna.com.tr/ |
- |
- |
Team Machiavelli |
https://discord.gg/EtsYB7MwM7 |
- |
İzmir |
Team V Games |
http://teamvgames.com |
info@teamvgames.com |
İstanbul |
Teek Games |
https://www.teekgames.com |
info@teekgames.com |
İstanbul |
Tek Şeker |
- |
sekertek@gmail.com |
Kocaeli |
Tekerlek Games |
https://www.tekerlekgames.com/ |
mustafacankyk@gmail.com |
- |
Teknoemin Mobile Project |
- |
teknoemin@gmail.com |
- |
Teknopars Bilisim Teknolojileri |
http://www.teknopars.com/ |
bilgi@teknopars.com |
İstanbul |
Teleporter |
https://teleporter.gg/ |
partnership@teleporter.gg |
İstanbul |
Temel KIRCI |
- |
temelkirci@kayragames.com |
- |
Temel Yazılım |
https://temel.xyz/ |
temelyzlm@gmail.com |
Mersin |
Teneke Kafalar |
https://www.tenekekafalar.com/ |
business@tenekekafalar.com |
Eskişehir |
Tenet Games |
https://www.tenetgames.com |
murat@tenetgames.com |
İstanbul |
Teos Games |
http://www.teosgamestudio.com |
info@teosgamestudio.com |
İzmir |
Teta Studio |
https://www.tetastudio.com/ |
info@tetastudio.com |
Ankara |
Thagy Games |
http://thagy.com |
info@thagy.com |
İstanbul |
THE BGR Games |
https://thebgr.com/games/ |
info@thebgr.com |
İstanbul |
The Game Circle |
https://www.thegamecircle.com |
info@thegamecircle.com |
Ankara |
The Pack Studios |
https://thepackstudios.com |
contact@thepackstudios.com |
İzmir |
The SA Game Studio |
https://thesagamestudio.com/ |
info@thesagamestudio.com |
Denizli |
The Unfettered |
https://www.theunfettered.io |
- |
İstanbul |
The Zamazingo |
http://thezamazingo.com/ |
zamazingolabs@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Thor Teknoloji Dis Ticaret Ltd Sti |
https://www.thorteknoloji.com/ |
info@thorteknoloji.com |
İstanbul |
threeW Games |
https://www.threewgames.com |
contact@threewgames.com |
İstanbul |
Tiamo Games |
https://tiamogames.com |
info@tiamogames.com |
İstanbul |
Tick Interactive |
https://www.tickinteractive.com/ |
info@tickinteractive.com |
Bursa |
Timas Dijital |
https://timas.com.tr/ |
yazilimdestek@timas.com.tr |
İstanbul |
Tinkerbox |
https://www.tinkerbox.studio/ |
contact@tinkerbox.studio |
Bursa |
Tiny Minies |
https://www.tinyminies.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Tinymice Entertainment |
https://tinymice.org/ |
info@tinymice.org |
- |
TION Studios |
https://tionstudios.com |
info@tionstudios.com |
İstanbul |
Tiplay Studio |
www.tiplaystudio.com |
info@tiplaystudio.com |
Denizli |
Tiramisu Studios |
https://www.tiramisu.game/ |
info@tiramisu.game |
İstanbul |
Tokman Soft |
- |
burkanemretokman@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Tolga Ay |
https://naezith.com/ |
naezith@gmail.com |
- |
Tolka Games |
- |
- |
İzmir |
Tool Games |
http://www.toolgamestudio.com |
info@toolgames.com |
İstanbul |
Toon Metal Games |
https://www.toonmetal.games |
support@toonmetal.games |
İzmir |
Tosby Games |
https://tosbygames.com |
info@tosbygames.com |
İstanbul |
Tospaa |
https://tospaa.org |
kodla@tospaa.org |
İstanbul |
tosugames |
https://www.tosugames.com/ |
support@tosugames.com |
İzmir |
Toynar |
https://toynar.com |
kubulabdesign@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Trainspotting Studio |
- |
- |
- |
Triant Games |
https://triantgames.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Tricksy Games |
https://www.tricksygames.com |
info@tricksygames.com |
İstanbul |
Trifles Games |
https://triflesgames.com |
info@triflesgames.com |
İstanbul |
Tris Games |
https://www.trisgames.com |
info@trisgames.com |
Ankara |
Trivians.io |
https://trivians.io |
hello@trivians.io |
İstanbul |
Troyd Games |
https://x.com/LastOutpostGame |
https://x.com/LastOutpostGame |
- |
TTcoin Games And Application |
https://www.ttcoin.info/ |
listing@ttcoin.info |
Malatya |
Tuğ Art |
- |
mustafatugrulozsahin@gmail.com |
Kocaeli |
Tunaic Games |
https://tunaicgames.com/ |
contact@tunaicgames.com |
Mersin |
Tunga Games |
https://tungasoft.com/ |
info@tungasoft.com |
Eskişehir |
TurkBrn |
- |
turkbrnbizbiliriz@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Turkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu |
https://www.trt.net.tr/ |
platform@trtworld.com |
Ankara |
Turn Games Technologies LTD |
https://turngs.com/ |
support@turngs.com |
Mersin |
Turotto |
https://turotto.com |
- |
Adana |
Turquoise Revival Games |
https://turquoiserevivalgames.com/ |
contact@turquoiserevivalgames.com |
Kocaeli |
Tvee Games |
http://tveegames.com |
- |
İzmir |
Twenty Games |
https://twenty.games |
info@twenty.games |
Ankara |
Twilly Games |
https://www.twillygames.com/ |
twillygame@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Two Page Games |
https://twopagegames.com |
yagiz@twopagegames.com |
Ankara |
TwoDE Studios |
https://twodestudios.com/ |
info@twodestudios.com |
İstanbul |
u4Verse |
https://www.u4verse.com |
info@u4verse.com |
İstanbul |
Ubik Studios |
https://www.ubikstudios.com/ |
hello@ubikstudios.com |
İstanbul |
Udo Games |
https://www.udogames.com |
info@udogames.com |
Ankara |
UGC90 |
https://ugc90.com |
hello@ugc90.com |
İstanbul |
Ultiox Studio Game |
https://ultioxgamestudio.com/ |
ultioxgames@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Ultra Mad Entertainers |
https://ultramadentertainers.com/ |
umegames.contact@gmail.com |
- |
Umuro Games |
https://umuro.net/ |
me@umuro.net |
Çanakkale |
Unbound Game Studio |
https://unboundgamestudio.com/ |
info@unboundgamestudio.com |
İzmir |
Uncosoft Yazılım |
www.uncosoft.com |
hello@uncosoft.com |
İzmir |
Undoco Games |
https://undocogames.com |
undocogames@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Unico Games Studio |
https://unicostudio.co/ |
unico@unicostudio.co |
- |
Unicode Games |
https://www.unicodegames.com |
info@unicodegames.com |
İzmir |
Unipoly Games |
http://unipolygames.com |
info@unipolygames.com |
İstanbul |
Unix Game Studios |
https://www.unixgaming.org/ |
it@unixgaming.org |
İstanbul |
Unpredictable Games |
https://www.unpredictablegames.com |
contact@unpredictablegames.com |
İzmir |
Upily |
https://upily.com |
hello@upily.com |
Ankara |
Upperpik Games |
http://upperpik.com |
info@upperpik.com |
Adana |
USPEX Games |
https://uspexgames.com/ |
contact@uspexgames.com |
İstanbul |
Usta Brothers |
https://www.ustabrothers.com |
mehmet@ustabrothers.com |
İzmir |
Vacuum Games |
http://www.vacuumgames.com |
info@vacuumgames.com |
İstanbul |
Valentware Games |
http://www.valentware.com/ |
- |
Bursa |
ValhallaVerse |
https://valhallaverse.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Valvolex Games |
https://www.valvolex.com |
info@valvolex.com |
Ankara |
VantaPlay Games |
https://vanta.games/ |
hello@vanta.games |
İstanbul |
Vasanta Games |
https://www.vasanta.games/ |
https://www.vasanta.games/ |
Kayseri |
Vawraek Technology Inc |
https://vawraek.com/ |
iletisim@vawraek.com |
İstanbul |
Vector Games |
http://vector-games.com |
info@vector-games.com |
Ankara |
Vellichor Games |
https://vellichorgames.com |
contact@vellichorgames.com |
İstanbul |
Velo Games |
https://playvelogames.com/ |
support@playvelogames.com |
İzmir |
Veloxia |
https://veloxia.co |
hey@veloxia.co |
İstanbul |
Vento Games |
https://ventogames.com |
info@ventogames.com |
İstanbul |
Vercial Games |
https://www.vercialgames.com/ |
info@vercialgames.com |
İstanbul |
Vertex Games |
https://vertexgames.net/ |
contact@vertexgames.net |
- |
Vertigo Games |
https://vertigogames.co |
info@vertigogames.co |
İstanbul |
https://mobiluygulamalarlaogreniyorum.blogspot.com/ |
veyselgundogdu@gmail.com |
- |
Vida Games |
http://www.vida.games |
info@vida.games |
İstanbul |
VikVik Games |
- |
erdem_593@hotmail.com |
Kocaeli |
Virtual Projects |
https://virtualprojects.co |
- |
İstanbul |
Virtual Tourist |
https://www.virtualtourist.io |
- |
Ankara |
Visio-xr Studio |
https://visioxr.com |
info@visioxr.com |
İstanbul |
Vision4Fun |
http://www.vision4fun.com |
info@vision4fun.com |
İstanbul |
Vistmank Games |
https://vistmankgames.com |
info@vistmankgames.com |
Ankara |
Vive Games |
https://vivegames.co |
info@vivegames.co |
Ankara |
Vojii Games |
https://www.vojii.com |
info@vojii.com |
Ankara |
Volkan Kutlubay |
- |
volcank@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Volly Game |
http://www.vollygame.com/ |
info@vollygame.com |
İzmir |
Volvox Games |
https://www.linkedin.com/company/volvox-games/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Voxel Studio |
https://www.voxelstudio.co/ |
info@voxelstudio.co |
İstanbul |
Vuvy |
https://vuvy.com |
support@vuvy.com |
İstanbul |
Waker Games |
https://wakergames.com/ |
contact@wakergames.com |
İstanbul |
Wamill |
https://wamill.com |
info@wamill.com |
İstanbul |
Wanda Software |
https://www.wandasoftware.com/ |
support@wandasoftware.com |
Konya |
Wanted Game Studio |
https://wantedgamestudio.com/ |
https://wantedgamestudio.com/ |
Bursa |
Warlock Arts |
http://www.warlockarts.com |
info@warlockarts.com |
Ankara |
WAWEN Studio |
- |
yavuzbkc@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Webperon Games |
https://www.webperon.com/ |
info@webperon.com |
Konya |
WeeKen Studio |
https://www.weekenstudio.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Weez Beez |
https://weezbeez.com |
weezbeezgames@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Wefi Games |
https://www.wefigames.com |
info@wefigames.com |
Isparta |
Wendigo Games |
https://wendigo.games |
hello@wendigo.games |
İstanbul |
Wery Games |
https://www.wery.co |
bahadir@wery.co |
İstanbul |
Whoops Games |
https://whoopsgames.com/ |
info@whoopsgames.com |
İstanbul |
Wicked Tavern |
https://www.wickedtavern.com/ |
contact@wickedtavern.com |
İstanbul |
Wide Game Studio |
https://widegamestudio.com |
info@widegamestudio.com |
Kayseri |
Wily Pumpkin |
https://www.wilypumpkin.com |
info@wilypumpkin.com |
Ankara |
Wixot Limited |
https://wixot.com/ |
support@wixot.com |
İstanbul |
Wodo Network |
https://wodo.network |
istanbul@wodo.network |
İstanbul |
Wolves Interactive |
https://www.wolvesinteractive.com |
info@wolvesinteractive.com |
İstanbul |
Worknight Studios |
https://www.worknightstudios.com |
https://www.worknightstudios.com/i-leti-şi-m |
İstanbul |
World of Poly |
http://www.worldofpoly.com |
https://www.worldofpoly.com/Contact/ |
Ankara |
Xelluf |
https://www.xelluf.com/ |
xellufpublishing@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Xenolia |
https://www.xenolia.com/ |
info@xenolia.com |
Denizli |
Yamy Studio |
https://yamystudio.com/ |
info@yamystudio.com |
İstanbul |
Yeapp Game |
https://yeapp.gs |
info@yeapp.gs |
İstanbul |
- |
emrekes123@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Yesno Labs |
https://www.yesnolabs.io/ |
contact@yesnolabs.io |
İzmir |
Yeti Games |
http://yetigames.net |
https://www.yetigames.net/iletisim/ |
İstanbul |
YGTmobile |
https://ygtsoftware.com/ |
fagent@ygtsoftware.com |
İstanbul |
Yin Yang Games |
http://yinyang.games |
hello@yinyang.games |
İstanbul |
YNR Studios |
- |
ynrstudiostr@gmail.com |
Ankara |
Yolo Game Studio |
https://www.yologamestudio.com/ |
contact@yologamestudio.com |
İstanbul |
yumy.io |
https://yumy.io/ |
contact@yumy.io |
Ankara |
Yunus Ayyıldız, Ozan Çelik |
https://www.gamebra.in/ |
info@gamebra.in |
Ankara |
Yuppy Games |
http://www.yuppygames.com |
yuppygamesinfo@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Yuyuto Games |
https://www.yuyutogames.com |
info@yuyutogames.com |
İstanbul |
Z Game Studios |
- |
infozgamestudios@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Zabaron |
http://www.zabarongames.com |
zabarongames@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Zade Games |
- |
oyunzade@gmail.com |
Diyarbakır |
ZagrocksGames |
- |
zagroxgames@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
zaka creative |
http://zakacreative.com/ |
zaka.creative@gmail.com |
- |
https://www.zdc.com.tr/ |
iletisim@zdc.com.tr |
Sakarya |
- |
- |
Denizli |
Zegan Games |
https://zegan.games/ |
info@zegan.games |
İstanbul |
ZEK Games |
https://zek-games.github.io/ |
zekgamesfeedback@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Zentium Studio |
https://zentiumstudio.com/ |
onur.gokce@zentiumstudio.com |
Ankara |
Zeplin Games |
https://zeplingames.com |
- |
Ankara |
Zerosum |
https://zerosum.co/ |
info@zerosum.co |
İstanbul |
Zerosum Games |
https://zerosum.co |
- |
İstanbul |
Zest Games |
http://zestgames.co |
- |
Ankara |
Zibumi |
https://www.zibumilocalization.com |
- |
Ankara |
ZiGames |
https://zigames.co |
- |
İzmir |
Zinky Games |
https://www.zinkygames.com |
info@zinkygames.com |
İstanbul |
ZK Survival Games |
https://zk-games.com/ |
zaferokeanix@gmail.com |
- |
ZKS game |
- |
barza65_@hotmail.com |
Van |
Zoetrope Interactive |
https://zoetrope-interactive.com |
- |
İstanbul |
Zolaks Entertainment |
https://zolaks.com/ |
- |
İstanbul |
Zoomzo Games |
https://zoomzo.games |
- |
İstanbul |
Zula Games |
https://www.zulaoyun.com |
https://www.zulaoyun.com/destek |
İstanbul |
Zurna Games Studio |
- |
emrahoflu28@gmail.com |
İstanbul |
Zuuks Games |
https://www.zuuks.com/ |
help@zuuks.com |
İstanbul |